Vagina Talks



Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we've been told about who we are, what we are, and what we've been doing so that we can remember the truth, share the truth, and eventually become the truth


  • 039 The Sanity of Being Yourself

    03/12/2018 Duración: 51min

    In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses sanity in what we have been taught is insane. Step into a sacred place with Sophia as she explains the true meaning of being sane. Explore the intimacy of presenting yourself to others and knowing yourself so you can heal and connect with your body. Sophia opens up about the impact of pain and how to learn the sensations of your body to better understand what messages are hidden in sensation. In this raw and emotional episode Sophia explores one of the most difficult hurdles in life, unashamedly being yourself.   Key Takeaways: Say yes to the things that will uplift you and your experience in your own body and mind. Embrace the medicinal opportunities for healing. Your bone truth is a deep and raw space of understanding in yourself. Let your body speak to you so you can understand the truths your body has to tell you. Experiencing and knowing your pain makes you more body aware, and aids in the process of healing and letting go. It is important to present y

  • 038 Owning Your Story, Knowing Your Pussy

    19/11/2018 Duración: 01h11min

    Owning Your Story, Knowing Your Pussy In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Sierra discuss becoming a pussy oracle. Follow Sierra’s journey to awakening, and her life experiences that opened the door to teaching female empowerment. Listen as Sophia and Sierra explore the passion that comes with teaching women to love their bodies and heal from traumas, connecting with a whole new depth in the feminine experience. Sierra helps teaches us that we are all unique and beautiful spirits, and that our bodies are roadmaps to our lives, both where we have been, and where we have yet to go. Key Takeaways: ·        Knowing who you are and aren’t will allow you to connect to the purpose you are meant to serve.  ·        There are things we need from ourselves and our partners at different times in our lives. ·        It is important to experience yourself without obligation to anyone else. ·        Every single woman is different, our bodies tell our stories in extraordinary ways. "I realized I need to be the light."

  • 037 The Journey to Womb Healing

    06/11/2018 Duración: 01h23min

    In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Sama discuss womb centered healing. Explore the sensual journey of undertaking the words and wisdom your womb has to offer with Sama’s insight on hearing those soft whispers. Listen as Sophia delves into the effects of running from healing and how that can lead to a road of loss and misunderstanding in your personal self. Let Sama and Sophia enlighten your understanding of the body as a temple and the other temples built in your life by your interactions with the people you choose to build it with. Learn about the mesmerizing inspiration of womb encouraged creativity, and its place in exploring all the tantalizing secrets your body has to offer you.  It’s time to be womb aware, and Sama and Sophia can lead you there. Key Takeaways: We must listen to what our wombs say to us, to heal and reconnect the relationship we have with our womb. It is important to know the worth of your temple and take the journey to find it. Being aware of you body and its sensations opens

  • 036 Magic that Comes from the Stars

    29/10/2018 Duración: 01h42min

    Magic that Comes from the Stars   In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Portia discuss the discovery of personal witchery, and how that path begins in childhood. Portia reflects on the aspects of cultural society that closeted her journey to coming out both in magic and as a member of the queer community. Sophia gives insight on the struggles of grief and anger, and how processing these vital emotions brings healing to the heart and understanding to the mind. Together, Sophia and Portia discuss the magic of coming from the stars and embracing and understanding your personal energy to better connect with yourself and the world around you.   Key Takeaways:   ·        It’s important to know yourself, and be yourself, despite your cultural influences.   ·        Knowing your energy and how it uplifts and inspires your magic.   ·        Experiencing grief and pain helps you to mature and grow.   ·        Embrace your spiritual senses to receive the messages the world is trying to express to you.  "I h

  • 035 Trading War and Trauma for Peace and Wholeness

    15/10/2018 Duración: 38min

    Trading War and Trauma for Peace and Wholeness  In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses the impact of grief and gratitude in our lives as we work through the struggles and trauma that affect us. Reach into your empathetic space as she expresses her vision for our future in a war of peace culture that ends the war we have been teaching our society for decades. Allow yourself to embrace the power of healing your spirit and mind in processing trauma and grief, opening yourself to a beautiful future built on the mind, spirit and body at peace. Sophia brings a heartfelt and emotional perspective on how rape culture has ransacked and injured our society. Connect with her and those around you on how we can educate our youth and our peers to help spread peace and let go of the trauma that represses our daily lives.   Key Takeaways:  -Autumn is the Season of Grief and Gratitude. -It is important to understand that change can cause feelings of loss and grief. -Acknowledgement is sometimes a very long and h

  • 034 Amy Jo Goddard – Sexual Empowerment and Creativity

    28/09/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    Amy Jo Goddard – Sexual Empowerment and Creativity  In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Amy Jo Goddard discuss, openly and with love, vulnerability, empowerment, and sex. They invite us to also join in the discussion about sex, especially with our partners. Sex is an intensely vulnerable and personal thing. We are all afraid that we are not “normal” and that we will be rejected because of it. Rejection, however, is a normal part of life, and it’s not because there’s something that is not okay or likeable or loveable about you. We are also often bogged down by the idea that we “should know” everything about sex because we are adults, but nobody does. There is always more to learn and contribute, particularly with sexuality. It is only recently being delved into and explored by the world and we are part of that conversation now. They also discussed the 9 Elements of Sexual Empowerment and how Amy Jo discovered them, as well as other projects that she is currently working on today, including the Fire Wom

  • 033 Call to Action – Show Up, Know, & Follow Your Heart

    20/09/2018 Duración: 43min

    Call to Action – Show Up, Know, & Follow Your Heart  In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses things that she has previously been too afraid to say aloud outside of her innermost circle. Delve into her heart and mind as she talks about why she started the training ground, why she is building RTTCon (Red Tent Temple Convergence) and healing spaces with which we can learn how and become the bridge builders between the world we have now and the world that we want to create. These healing spaces don’t have to be about just a checklist or about bullying us into only thinking positive affirmations in which we may be lying to ourselves, but rather they can be spaces where we build our skills to navigate emotions such as rage, grief, shame, sexual fantasy, and dissociation. Look for a healing space that beckons you to shine your radiance, step forward, follow your heart, and take action for those things that are in alignment with your own heart.  Key Takeaways:  ·         We’ve spent generations putting aside

  • 032 Intimacy, Awareness, Creativity, Yourself and the World

    10/09/2018 Duración: 01h22min

    Intimacy, Awareness, Creativity, Yourself and the World  In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Leah Moon discuss many of the things that Leah has learned over her 5 years working with Sophia. They discuss how we navigate deep intimacy with boundaries and integrity and how these navigational beacons can change throughout various subcultures and types of community. There are different kinds of intimacy that we can experience with ourselves and with others. Collectively, we are in a time of awakening, a time to connect, a time awareness. It is in this space that we can find the blessings and gifts in our lives as we give, as we allow ourselves to experience, and as we allow love to take us past our limitations and into who we are and who we can become.  Key Takeaways:  ·         Relationships get messy when we don’t know what we want from the relationship.  ·         If we want to greatly receive, we need to greatly give.  ·         It’s not a sign of failure when we are eliminating things or letting go

  • 031 Honest Communication and Safety in Permission

    28/08/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Honest Communication and Safety in Permission In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Leah Moon discuss taking ownership over the narratives in our lives. In the stories we tell others, are told to us by society, as well as the stories we tell ourselves. It is important to allow ourselves to have safe spaces, spaces where people knock before entering, both literal and metaphorical. In doing so, it will help to begin dismantling the normalcy of abuse, in society and within ourselves. They also discuss showing up and giving yourself permission to be exactly as you are now, but having courage to let your life change when you do not believe it is worth it anymore. You have permission to have your life be delicious, delectable, pleasurable, and feel good. The way to do this is to have open, honest communication with everyone and everything in your life. Key Takeaways: Take the risk to show upon your own behalf. You don’t have to make yourself radiant, you already are. Just let the light grow and be the size i

  • 030 The Medicine is Love

    13/08/2018 Duración: 01h26min

    The Medicine is Love In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Lisa Love discuss the change that is happening now in society and in the world. The earth and the universe are speaking out and telling us that the time is now. As they talk about Lisa’s story and how she found her own acceptance and completion, they delve into other areas of harmonizing and giving yourself the permission. Permission not only to live to your highest potential, but also permission to be as you are right in this moment. It is a powerful thing to realize that, even if you’ve not yet reached your potential, there is nothing wrong with what you may see as the “problem” parts of you right now – it is all part of the journey of finding your wholeness, regardless of how long or little time it takes. This discussion also segues into Sophia and Lisa talking about the different ways in which they have, and continue to, honor the bleeding phase of their cycle and how we can also do so to harmonize the potent part of our feminine nature and conne

  • 029 #CompostingThePatriarchy

    31/07/2018 Duración: 30min

    #CompostingThePatriarchy In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses: There are things in life that you can't control but, you are doing great. Dealing with anxiety in Sophia's life. Hearing from the listeners, and how Sophia loves hearing from you! We are so much more powerful than we think we are. Key Takeaways: Let God do it. Other people's suffering should make us humble and grateful. If you need to care for yourself and take a break. Ask yourself if you're doing what you need to do to heal this world. "I'm great at many things, but managing the universe is not one of those things." - Sophia Wise One The Wayfinder Experience- Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we've been told about who we are, what we are, and what we've been doing so that we can remember the truth, share the truth, and eventually become the truth Find more adventures in awesome things check out my website www

  • 028 Empowerment for Authenticity

    16/07/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Empowerment for Authenticity In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Adrienne Ero-Phillips discuss: Considering and honoring other people's heart spaces. Having complete wholeness and then with that letting people around us love us. The exhaustion of things in your life that are so nourishing but are constantly being questioned. Being your full authentic self. Key Takeaways: Each birth happens in a certain way for a reason. Whenever you hear yourself say that you can't, it's not true you really can. It takes a lot of energy to raise a baby and we can't do it alone. All we need in life is love. "It takes a lot of courage to be fully authentic." - Adrienne Ero-Phillips Connect with Adrienne Ero-Phillips: Facebook: Website: Email: Instagram: @adriennehealingarts Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we'v

  • 026 Reduce Speed When Wet

    06/07/2018 Duración: 01h20min

    In this episode, Sophia Wise One discuss: The effects of having a crisis, and how it positively affects you Making a dream come true, and how it has sacred steps to get to where you want to be Explorations on consent   Speaking your truth instead of shrinking and controlling yourself Key Takeaways: The more often you practice at staying present, the less often that presence goes away Having consciousness about what you do affecting your community and others around you is different from needing approval It is in the process of getting into and healing your brokenness that your create access your already present  "As we increase our presence and we increase our consciousness [we remember]every moment is this limitless possibility. The way that that's manifested for me is the amount of potency, transformation, growth and evolution that I've had from day to day [it] has been immense." - Sophia Wise One Sophia mentions Winona LuDuke in this episode, here's how to find out more about her: Webs

  • 025 You Do Not Need Permission

    11/06/2018 Duración: 44min

    You Do Not Need Permission In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses: What is cupping? Do other peoples opinions or judgments matter? How does controlling effect your life? How do you practice full acknowledgement? Key Takeaways: Getting permission from people in your life will not set you free. People will have an opinion or judgments about what you do. "I am not a thing that needs to be controlled and tolerated. I am a being that needs to be trusted."-Sophia Wise One Really let go and be yourself. Being controlled is exhausting. Controlling is exhausting. "I spent a lot of time in my life waiting for permission and trying to get permission from the right people and it didn't set me free." - Sophia Wise One Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we've been told about who we are, what we are, and what we've been doing so that we can remember the truth, share the truth, and eventually become the truth Find more

  • 024 11 Hours to Freedom

    28/05/2018 Duración: 01h14min

    11 Hours to Freedom In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Rosie Aiello discuss: What is 11 hours to freedom? How do you recognize abuse? You deserve to live the life you want. Key Takeaways: You can rebuild your life so that you can create a joyful and prosperous life that you deserve. Many women believe to be accepted they need to be nice at the cost of maintaining healthy boundaries. Women confuse being nice with being selfish, and that could not be further from the true. When women and especially children grow up confidently instead of being humiliated and belittled, they are able to thrive and contribute to and be productive in society, creating greater wealth--instead of losing years struggling to recover and overcome the negative imprint left in their minds and bodies. "Whatever situation you are in there is always hope and you can change your life." -  Rosie Aiello Connect with Rosie Aiello: Twitter:  @RosieClearVista Website: Free Gift: 11 Keys to Con

  • 023 The Positive Force Team

    14/05/2018 Duración: 01h35min

    The Positive Force Team In this episode, Sophia Wise One, Javier Coy and Maryella Marie discuss: Investigating & sharing the Art of Living through conscious social art and music avenues meant to heighten the vibrations of the collective public. Directing for live performance pieces, curating cultural & language experience in nature for teenagers, and holding space for open and experimental self-practice for curious seekers of presence, breath, balance, voice, and movement. Key Takeaways: Maryella encourages her public to observes and dance with their fears, using them to feed the art of living. Their hope for this project is to take the listener or viewer on a reawakening ride and to continue bringing people together to create community, exposing & combining forces with local artists on projects that “elevate consciousness” as they launch a lifestyle brand that functions as the heartbeat of The Positive Force Team and prepare to exhibit + tour their EP as a musical titled: THE POSITIVE FORCE TEA

  • 022 Music as Medicine with David Wilcox

    30/04/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    Music as Medicine with David Wilcox In this episode, Sophia Wise One and David Wilcox discuss:  Musical Medicine Embracing our subjectivity Spiritual practice and deep listening Key Takeaways: Listen to someone's story to put yourself in their shoes Music can be healing to the soul Music is a type of medicine We can make choices that positively effect our life if we take the time to see the patterns at play "Putting together a record is a necessary part of a navigation to understand what the past year of life was about because when living it it’s not so obvious." - David Wilcox Connect with David Wilcox: Twitter: ( Facebook: ( Website: ( Youtube: Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemica

  • 021 Spiderwoman Weaves

    16/04/2018 Duración: 48min

    Spiderwoman Weaves In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses: Working and weaving Reshaping Becoming a sanctuary for your soul We can't stay anywhere Key Takeaways: "The very constructs of reality being reshaped as I'm being pulled back" How do I cast and weave a life in which my soul wants to stay? Feel the truth of remembering Love yourself "Behind my eyes, I'm being ushered through time and space and woven into this place." - Sophia Wise One Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we've been told about who we are, what we are, and what we've been doing so that we can remember the truth, share the truth, and eventually become the truth Find more adventures in awesome things, check out my website ( Connect with Sophia Wise One: Instagram -  sophiawiseone Twitter - @sophiawiseone Facebook- Register for the

  • 020 Wisdom of the Pelvic Bowl

    09/04/2018 Duración: 01h47min

    Wisdom of the Pelvic Bowl In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses: Mercury in Retrograde Allowing your mind to let go Calling all ancestors Being connected to each other's roots Key Takeaways: The day that Sophia and her friends journeyed together, she learned that everyone is connected to each other's roots The pain and the numbness sitting on top of pain is a request -- saying "I want you to do something different" When you're working with your root, you shouldn't find a trigger point and press it until it releases… circle it and sink into it until you're right on it, then just relax everything The blessing of the pelvic bowl is that what you're really wanting is vibrationally available at all times, you've just got to invite it in "Mercury creates a mess to get our attention for us to see something that we've been resistant to." — Sophia Wise One Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we've been told about who

  • 019 Settling into Your Own Sense of Softness

    26/03/2018 Duración: 01h25min

    Settling into Your Own Sense of Softness In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Hilary Booker discuss: How to speak and be What "yoni" means The space of pleasure and desire Manifesting your destiny Key Takeaways: No matter what your body is, you have masculine and feminine energy The "yoni" is a Sanskrit word for vagina but it encompasses so much more - it's highly receptive and highly creative at the same time Everyone has the right to receive pleasure Step out of the pattern of "what I think I want" and untangle that association in your mind "I have found in my life that I say more the quieter I am and the more receptive I am." - Hilary Booker Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we've been told about who we are, what we are, and what we've been doing so that we can remember the truth, share the truth, and eventually become the truth Find more adventures in awesome things, check out my website www.vaginatalks.

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