Vagina Talks

038 Owning Your Story, Knowing Your Pussy



Owning Your Story, Knowing Your Pussy In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Sierra discuss becoming a pussy oracle. Follow Sierra’s journey to awakening, and her life experiences that opened the door to teaching female empowerment. Listen as Sophia and Sierra explore the passion that comes with teaching women to love their bodies and heal from traumas, connecting with a whole new depth in the feminine experience. Sierra helps teaches us that we are all unique and beautiful spirits, and that our bodies are roadmaps to our lives, both where we have been, and where we have yet to go. Key Takeaways: ·        Knowing who you are and aren’t will allow you to connect to the purpose you are meant to serve.  ·        There are things we need from ourselves and our partners at different times in our lives. ·        It is important to experience yourself without obligation to anyone else. ·        Every single woman is different, our bodies tell our stories in extraordinary ways. "I realized I need to be the light."