Vagina Talks

032 Intimacy, Awareness, Creativity, Yourself and the World



Intimacy, Awareness, Creativity, Yourself and the World  In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Leah Moon discuss many of the things that Leah has learned over her 5 years working with Sophia. They discuss how we navigate deep intimacy with boundaries and integrity and how these navigational beacons can change throughout various subcultures and types of community. There are different kinds of intimacy that we can experience with ourselves and with others. Collectively, we are in a time of awakening, a time to connect, a time awareness. It is in this space that we can find the blessings and gifts in our lives as we give, as we allow ourselves to experience, and as we allow love to take us past our limitations and into who we are and who we can become.  Key Takeaways:  ·         Relationships get messy when we don’t know what we want from the relationship.  ·         If we want to greatly receive, we need to greatly give.  ·         It’s not a sign of failure when we are eliminating things or letting go