Vagina Talks

030 The Medicine is Love



The Medicine is Love In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Lisa Love discuss the change that is happening now in society and in the world. The earth and the universe are speaking out and telling us that the time is now. As they talk about Lisa’s story and how she found her own acceptance and completion, they delve into other areas of harmonizing and giving yourself the permission. Permission not only to live to your highest potential, but also permission to be as you are right in this moment. It is a powerful thing to realize that, even if you’ve not yet reached your potential, there is nothing wrong with what you may see as the “problem” parts of you right now – it is all part of the journey of finding your wholeness, regardless of how long or little time it takes. This discussion also segues into Sophia and Lisa talking about the different ways in which they have, and continue to, honor the bleeding phase of their cycle and how we can also do so to harmonize the potent part of our feminine nature and conne