Vagina Talks

025 You Do Not Need Permission



You Do Not Need Permission In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses: What is cupping? Do other peoples opinions or judgments matter? How does controlling effect your life? How do you practice full acknowledgement? Key Takeaways: Getting permission from people in your life will not set you free. People will have an opinion or judgments about what you do. "I am not a thing that needs to be controlled and tolerated. I am a being that needs to be trusted."-Sophia Wise One Really let go and be yourself. Being controlled is exhausting. Controlling is exhausting. "I spent a lot of time in my life waiting for permission and trying to get permission from the right people and it didn't set me free." - Sophia Wise One Join Sophia Wise One as she turns poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we've been told about who we are, what we are, and what we've been doing so that we can remember the truth, share the truth, and eventually become the truth Find more