Vagina Talks

035 Trading War and Trauma for Peace and Wholeness



Trading War and Trauma for Peace and Wholeness  In this episode, Sophia Wise One discusses the impact of grief and gratitude in our lives as we work through the struggles and trauma that affect us. Reach into your empathetic space as she expresses her vision for our future in a war of peace culture that ends the war we have been teaching our society for decades. Allow yourself to embrace the power of healing your spirit and mind in processing trauma and grief, opening yourself to a beautiful future built on the mind, spirit and body at peace. Sophia brings a heartfelt and emotional perspective on how rape culture has ransacked and injured our society. Connect with her and those around you on how we can educate our youth and our peers to help spread peace and let go of the trauma that represses our daily lives.   Key Takeaways:  -Autumn is the Season of Grief and Gratitude. -It is important to understand that change can cause feelings of loss and grief. -Acknowledgement is sometimes a very long and h