Vagina Talks

031 Honest Communication and Safety in Permission



Honest Communication and Safety in Permission In this episode, Sophia Wise One and Leah Moon discuss taking ownership over the narratives in our lives. In the stories we tell others, are told to us by society, as well as the stories we tell ourselves. It is important to allow ourselves to have safe spaces, spaces where people knock before entering, both literal and metaphorical. In doing so, it will help to begin dismantling the normalcy of abuse, in society and within ourselves. They also discuss showing up and giving yourself permission to be exactly as you are now, but having courage to let your life change when you do not believe it is worth it anymore. You have permission to have your life be delicious, delectable, pleasurable, and feel good. The way to do this is to have open, honest communication with everyone and everything in your life. Key Takeaways: Take the risk to show upon your own behalf. You don’t have to make yourself radiant, you already are. Just let the light grow and be the size i