Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

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What if your imperfections are actually your brilliance? Did you know that a diamond is more valuable with all its perfect imperfections? Betsy McLoughlin & Kathy Williams


  • Open the Locked Spaces Within


    Have you been working on personal development for quite some time? With all the things you’ve been able to change, are there some areas where you’re still just plodding along? Where perhaps you feel stuck? What if the things we desire to change the most are also the areas where we’re the least willing to look at what we’re defending that’s holding it all in place? Is it time to open those locked spaces within? Are you ready to clear out all that old crap you’re still hanging onto? Are you ready to live a more compatible life to who you are NOW? ~

  • Are You Ready to Choose for You? Guest Susan Shatzer


    Are you ready to choose for you? Are you ready to change one thing in your life? How about a few things?   Looking for some tips for change being easy? Susan Shatzer is a #1 Best Selling Author  of the book “I’m Having It” and a Consciousness Revolutionary. She recently appeared on the national “AskBonBon” TV show with Bonnie Bruderer in NY. Susan has a natural gift and talent for both TV and radio. She co-hosted “Ask A Question Change Your Life” radio show and has been a featured guest on multiple others including “Joy of Living”, “Imperfect Brilliance”, “Building Your Business”, “Living Smart and Well”, “The What If? Show” and “Good Vibrations”. Susan is an experienced media personality and has spoken at expos, trade shows, on podcasts, and quoted in magazines, newspapers and other publications.  As a writer for “Brite” magazine and the author of the book “108 Ways to make Fast Cash”, Susan’s hope is to empower individuals to leverage opportunities and avoid despair when facing financial difficulties becaus

  • Invite More Joy In Your Life; Guest – Kathy Williams


    Joy!  Do you desire joy and happiness in your life?  Do you sometimes feel joyful and other times feel that it's elusive? What can you do/be to invite more joy into your life? Join Betsy & Sadie and their guest Certified Facilitator Kathy Williams to delve into the topic of joy. Kathy was trained from an early age as a dancer and performer. She spent many years perfecting her art, and performed on stage in Europe and the US. For years, Kathy worked toward her goal of dancing the principal roles in ballets such as Romeo and Juliet, and The Nutcracker.  When achieving these roles did not bring the happiness she had anticipated, Kathy began to reassess her life and her direction, and recognized the need for happiness in everyday moments- not as some future to be obtained. What tips can Kathy give us from her experience? Bio - Kathy Williams is a Best Selling Author and a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Transformational Coach, Speaker, and Yoga Therapist. For over 15 years Kathy has been sharing tools

  • Creation as the source of Reality


    There are not many choices in life that create as drastic of a change to our world as the choice to have a child. What would our lives be like if we were willing to see all of our creations, our creative projects and endeavors, the way we see a child? Both moldable by our influence, and also with their own energy and points of view? What if every creation was a dance between the two sides of contribution? The gifting of our energy into the creation, and the receiving of the creation as it expresses itself? Sadie Lake is a contributing author, editor, and producer of the upcoming book Creations; Conscious Fertility and Conception, Pregnancy and Birth. In her previous life, before Access Consciousness®, she enmeshed herself in all things related to fertility, conception, pregnancy, and birth. In particular, she spent a lot of time and energy defending the right way to “do” this form of creation. Since then, she has opened up universes of possibility for creation that go so far beyond just creating children. Her

  • Being Uncomfortably ALIVE ~ Guest – Keisha Clark


    Have you reached your not-so-comfortable zone yet?  Is life bringing you what you have been asking for, and it's actually creating more intensity?  Or are you holding onto your picture of how your life should be with clenched fists, and trying to play "let's make a deal" with the Universe?  What if you could be willing to receive the invitation of it all, instead?  "What?!"  What is uncomfortable actually inviting us to?  Could it be truly BEing ALIVE?... Betsy, Sadie and Keisha will be playing with all things UNcomfortable on this week's show - would you like to get Uncomfortable with us? Keisha Clark is a Living Weal Empowerment Agent - which includes being an entrepreneur, performing artist, intuitive medium, bodywork professional and energy linguist - with over 20 years of experience in the healing arts and personal development.  And just recently, also includes being a contributing Author to the Best Selling Book ~  I’m Having It!  Keisha's target in life and in business is to be an invitation to celebra

  • The Energy of I’m Having It


    Our own Betsy McLoughlin is now a Best-Selling Author with the creation of the Book “I’m Having It”. Are you ready to change one thing in your life, or change everything? Are you willing to choose for you? What does that look like for you? Join Betsy and Sadie as they explore the Energy of I’m Having It. To claim your free gifts with purchase of the book "I'm Having It!"​-you-for-book-purchase/ ~

  • Radically Orgasmically Alive Guest Dr. Lisa Cooney


    We love having Dr. Lisa Cooney as our guest. Our conversations are always so generative. What if you could choose to be Radically, Orgasmically Alive?  Dr. Lisa Cooney speaks from years of experience and training that it is truly possible to create a life full of Joy. Dr. Lisa is a super potent, present being, and if you choose to listen to this show you will likely step in the greatness of you more than you could even imagine was possible. ~

  • What’s Right About Me? Guest Christel Crawford


    When it comes to sex and relationships, we tend to judge ourselves and be unkindness towards ourselves before we ever judge or are unkind to anyone else.  So, when you look back at all of your choices - everything that got you to here - what's right about you that you're not getting?  And if you did have that awareness, might you see more of the brilliance and magic - of you - than you've ever been willing to see before? Join Betsy, Sadie and Christel as they jump in to and change some realities around sex.  Wouldn't we all enjoy ease with sex?  Wouldn't it be amazing to be in the space of no judgment with sex?  What could that change in your world?  Join us in the lively chat room to ask your questions.  Or call in live if you dare! Christel Crawford is an author and transformation creator.  She travels all over the world and facilitates online programs &  classes on life-change, different possibilities for money flows, body change and business expansion. She has been featured on radio shows & podcasts, and

  • I’m Having It! Guest Erica Glessing


    What does I’m Having It mean to you? Join Betsy, Sadie and Erica Glessing, the Owner of Happy Publishing to discuss her newest release, “I’m Having It” to hit Amazon September 9th. Our own Betsy is one of the authors of this amazing book! What does the energy of I’m Having It feel like? What questions can we explore during this show? What can we contribute to you? ~

  • Buying, Selling and What Happens Between the Sheets Guest Lisa Benitz


    Have you ever wanted to know energetically what you can do to sell your house and what energies to tap into to buy one?   What are the energies that lie between the sheets to adjust your energies that will create what you are seeking? Join Betsy, Sadie and Fellow Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator Lisa Benitz for a SURE to be Lively conversation. Who knows where we will end up. Lisa Benitz has over 20 years experience as a Feng Shui Master, Interior Decorator, writer, personal coach, public speaker and Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Body Process Facilitator and Right Relationship For You Facilitator. Lisa Benitz’s gift allows her to see through the mounds of accumulation to the pure essence of what each individual desires. This helps them transform their relationships, which in turn can improve their finances, careers, and health. Lisa’s journey has inspired others to not be negatively affected by their past, culture, geographical location, or current situation. Instead she gives them th

  • Accessing Possibilities w/Kids & School Guest Anne Maxwell


    Have you ever wondered where the schools are that inspire, excite and encourage our kids to step beyond what even they thought was possible? Places where teachers ignite a sense of wonder, stimulate questions and encourage students to play? Did you know that such a place actually exists now? The Access Possibilities School open virtual doors 9/8/2015. Join Sadie, Betsy, and fellow Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator and Access Possibilities School Executive Director Anne Maxwell to find out more about what the school is and what else is possible now! ~

  • What if your Boss is NOT a jerk?


    Did you know that you're actually uber aware of so much more than what you've ever thought you were? What if your edgy mood isn't because of that email you got that pissed you off and that sadness may not be because your boyfriend forgot your birthday? What have you decided is the cause of "fill-in-the-blank" that actually isn't? Join Betsy and Sadie for a lively conversation that might turn your reality on it's head, and turn your awareness on to what really is creating the mood you've decided was a problem. Don't worry, we'll also arm you with tools for how to change said problems! ~

  • Right Body for Who?! Guest Donnielle Carter


    Are you still stuck in the loop of "I WANT to like my body, but I really am at war with it? I know I shouldn't judge my body and I just can't seem to stop". Join Betsy, Sadie, and Right Body for You Facilitator extraordinaire Donnielle Carter as we discuss the loops of body judgment. How and why we keep ourselves stuck, and what tools we've all used to build the muscles required to pull ourselves out of the pit of self-judgment with bodies. What light can Donnielle shine on this lively subject and what changes can we choose? Donnielle is the co-author of the book Right Body for You, hosts her own weekly radio show and travels the world speaking and facilitating transformative classes, including her popular Right Body for You workshops. ~

  • Bringing in Beings, What if It’s Different? Guest Cara Wright


    What if our fertility, conception, pregnancy, and birth could all be so different here on this planet? What do you actually know about what these processes are like for your body? What if you included your body’s point of view in the equation? and even your “baby’s”? Cara has been a doula for over 15 years and is a co-author in the soon-to-be released book Creations; Conscious Fertility and Conception, Pregnancy and Birth, and she’s joining us to talk about what she knows about these topics that may just change the face of creation on the planet! Cara Wright is a Access Consciousness® and Talk to the Entities® Certified Facilitator.She owns a yoga studio where she specializes in pregnancy, birth preparation and energetic yoga .She travels the world facilitating Beginning Talk to the Entity classes, Access Bars, Foundation/Level 1 Access Consciousness classes and much more. She loves guiding people to their creative energies and into the magic they truly be. She sees herself as a tour guide to consciousness th

  • Nurturing Your Gift and Capacities Guest Lisa Murray


    Have you ever experienced the magic of showing up before you are ready? Discovered a gift or talent that you had no idea about and just started using it? Wondered where your undiscovered talents and abilities are hiding?  In this show Lisa Murray from Creativity Lab joins us to explore what's possible when we lose sight of the shore.  How to take the leap and what kinds of questions can uncover your brilliance!  Join us for a fun afternoon! As founder of Creativity Lab, Lisa Murray is an unconventional business coach, a prolific writer and a non-stop creator of ways to nurture your ideas into life. She’s multi-creative and she invites you to collectively create a future to be inspired by, via her live events and online programs globally. If you desire to make your life and the world greater through your choices, join Lisa for one of her free mini e-courses in Embracing Courage, Writing Wild or Creating Money.  She also offers bi-monthly Nurture Sessions where you begin to nurture your ideas into life. Lisa ha

  • Queen or King of Your Own Trauma Drama Show?


    Starring…. YOU…..Do you find yourself starring in your own trauma drama show?  Does everyone around you live in that show as well? Do you feel like you live in a soap opera world? Are you the queen and king of your own drama? What if you didn’t have to judge you for it? What if acknowledging your role in the drama would actually empower you to choose greater? Why settle for trauma drama when you could be… phenomenance! What if your imperfections are actually your brilliance? Did you know that a diamond is more valuable with all its perfect imperfections? What if everywhere you deemed yourself wrong and everywhere you’re struggling to achieve the utopian ideal of perfection, your ray of light is shining out from underneath the muck? ~

  • Home Sweet New Home


    Imperfect Brilliance's very own Betsy McLoughlin doubles as a Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire. Using the tools of Access Consciousness, Betsy created the home of her dreams showing up with magic. On Monday's show, she's going to share with us the tools she used to go from stuck and stagnant, to qualifying financially for a home she didn't think she could afford. This allowed a whole new possibility that culminated with that new home finding her, choosing Betsy to be the new occupant. She also co-created with her previous home to find the family it desired to move in.... and all with total ease, joy, and glory! Are you looking for a new place to live? What does Betsy have to share with you that might allow a new living situation to come into your life with total ease too?! ~

  • The Top 10 Skills Change Agents Use with Guest George Carroll


    Join Betsy, Sadie and George Carroll to discuss the process he designed to help you become aware of where you are stopping progress and growth in your business, and what immediate skills to use to grow your client and customer base. George is giving us a sneak peak of ways to measure your form of business growth, client acquisition and revenue generated.   Do you desire acquiring clients through artful and skillful methods while creating a positive impact in their lives? If you are listening to the show, George will gift you a FREE copy of his Skill Gap Awareness Assessment! What's a Skill Gap Awareness Assessment? Tune in to the show to find out! ~

  • What is Your Invisible Limitation Guest Susan Shatzer


    What if you received your first limitation for this lifetime in-utero or possibly during birth?  What if this has been an invisible theme that has shown up throughout your entire life that you have never been able to break free from?  Join Susan, Betsy & Sadie for a lively discussion on your invisible limitation. Susan Shatzer gets excited about helping people change their lives! She holds a Bachelor Degree in Education from the University of Massachusetts, and is an Access Consciousness Bars & Body Facilitator. A natural entrepreneur, Susan has managed her own (sometimes multiple!) businesses, including a 22 year, successful life and business coaching practice, 5 years as an International Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness and her most recent project is a new and dynamic business, From Creation to Cradle, a Holistic Approach that Empowers Woman Before, During, and After Pregnancy. Author and Radio Show Host, Susan created the Ask A Question, Change Your Life Radio Show, and deck of question card

  • Opulent and Decadent Living Guest Margaret Braunack


    How many people live their life from "Ground Hog Day" - doing the same thing day after day and wonder why they are depressed, unhappy and bored?  Are you aware that there is a totally different way to function in this world that is about empowering you to be aware of everything and to get you out of the conflicts that are limiting you and your creations. Are you looking to create a much larger life that what you currently have, and know that there is so much more possible in the world?  Are you ready to have the adventure called living? Margaret Braunack has over 25 years of experience in the fields of health and personal development in various roles including management, sales, mentoring, coaching, training and development. She has worked and trained with some of the world's leading organizations, mentors and coaches and she has gained the knowledge and techniques to truly know how to facilitate anyone to instant success. Margaret is a Published Author, Naturopath, Bodyworker, an Internationally Recognized T

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