Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

Being Uncomfortably ALIVE ~ Guest – Keisha Clark



Have you reached your not-so-comfortable zone yet?  Is life bringing you what you have been asking for, and it's actually creating more intensity?  Or are you holding onto your picture of how your life should be with clenched fists, and trying to play "let's make a deal" with the Universe?  What if you could be willing to receive the invitation of it all, instead?  "What?!"  What is uncomfortable actually inviting us to?  Could it be truly BEing ALIVE?... Betsy, Sadie and Keisha will be playing with all things UNcomfortable on this week's show - would you like to get Uncomfortable with us? Keisha Clark is a Living Weal Empowerment Agent - which includes being an entrepreneur, performing artist, intuitive medium, bodywork professional and energy linguist - with over 20 years of experience in the healing arts and personal development.  And just recently, also includes being a contributing Author to the Best Selling Book ~  I’m Having It!  Keisha's target in life and in business is to be an invitation to celebra