Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

What is Your Invisible Limitation Guest Susan Shatzer



What if you received your first limitation for this lifetime in-utero or possibly during birth?  What if this has been an invisible theme that has shown up throughout your entire life that you have never been able to break free from?  Join Susan, Betsy & Sadie for a lively discussion on your invisible limitation. Susan Shatzer gets excited about helping people change their lives! She holds a Bachelor Degree in Education from the University of Massachusetts, and is an Access Consciousness Bars & Body Facilitator. A natural entrepreneur, Susan has managed her own (sometimes multiple!) businesses, including a 22 year, successful life and business coaching practice, 5 years as an International Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness and her most recent project is a new and dynamic business, From Creation to Cradle, a Holistic Approach that Empowers Woman Before, During, and After Pregnancy. Author and Radio Show Host, Susan created the Ask A Question, Change Your Life Radio Show, and deck of question card