Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

Are You Ready to Choose for You? Guest Susan Shatzer



Are you ready to choose for you? Are you ready to change one thing in your life? How about a few things?   Looking for some tips for change being easy? Susan Shatzer is a #1 Best Selling Author  of the book “I’m Having It” and a Consciousness Revolutionary. She recently appeared on the national “AskBonBon” TV show with Bonnie Bruderer in NY. Susan has a natural gift and talent for both TV and radio. She co-hosted “Ask A Question Change Your Life” radio show and has been a featured guest on multiple others including “Joy of Living”, “Imperfect Brilliance”, “Building Your Business”, “Living Smart and Well”, “The What If? Show” and “Good Vibrations”. Susan is an experienced media personality and has spoken at expos, trade shows, on podcasts, and quoted in magazines, newspapers and other publications.  As a writer for “Brite” magazine and the author of the book “108 Ways to make Fast Cash”, Susan’s hope is to empower individuals to leverage opportunities and avoid despair when facing financial difficulties becaus