Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

Opulent and Decadent Living Guest Margaret Braunack



How many people live their life from "Ground Hog Day" - doing the same thing day after day and wonder why they are depressed, unhappy and bored?  Are you aware that there is a totally different way to function in this world that is about empowering you to be aware of everything and to get you out of the conflicts that are limiting you and your creations. Are you looking to create a much larger life that what you currently have, and know that there is so much more possible in the world?  Are you ready to have the adventure called living? Margaret Braunack has over 25 years of experience in the fields of health and personal development in various roles including management, sales, mentoring, coaching, training and development. She has worked and trained with some of the world's leading organizations, mentors and coaches and she has gained the knowledge and techniques to truly know how to facilitate anyone to instant success. Margaret is a Published Author, Naturopath, Bodyworker, an Internationally Recognized T