Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

Buying, Selling and What Happens Between the Sheets Guest Lisa Benitz



Have you ever wanted to know energetically what you can do to sell your house and what energies to tap into to buy one?   What are the energies that lie between the sheets to adjust your energies that will create what you are seeking? Join Betsy, Sadie and Fellow Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator Lisa Benitz for a SURE to be Lively conversation. Who knows where we will end up. Lisa Benitz has over 20 years experience as a Feng Shui Master, Interior Decorator, writer, personal coach, public speaker and Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Body Process Facilitator and Right Relationship For You Facilitator. Lisa Benitz’s gift allows her to see through the mounds of accumulation to the pure essence of what each individual desires. This helps them transform their relationships, which in turn can improve their finances, careers, and health. Lisa’s journey has inspired others to not be negatively affected by their past, culture, geographical location, or current situation. Instead she gives them th