Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

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What if your imperfections are actually your brilliance? Did you know that a diamond is more valuable with all its perfect imperfections? Betsy McLoughlin & Kathy Williams


  • Living Intimately Guest Tamara Younker


    What if living intimately with you and the world around you, being and receiving creates the possibility for having the phenomenal life you desire?  Relationship expert, Tamara Younker, talks about what it takes to cultivate Intimacy of BEing where everything becomes a choice available to YOU. Tamara Younker is a Certified Facilitator, Coach, Mediator, Speaker and pioneer of consciousness who has been researching the energetics of relating for 13 years.  She has an expertise in guiding clients to cultivate Intimacy of BEing where they function from a powerful and aware presence that allows them to live more creatively in the world and less at the effect of it. It's Tamara’s desire to contribute to the emergence of a new paradigm for interpersonal relating, one that arises from allowance and choice rather than judgment and control. Tamara facilitates Access Consciousness Core Classes internationally, as well as, her own specialty classes on Intimacy.  Her joy is inviting others to give up their current depende

  • The Art of Creation With Guest Bret Rushia


    What creates the drive to create? How does an idea for a business, a piece of art, a book, or any other creation turn from just a thought into a tangible thing in the world? Join Betsy, Sadie and Bret as we explore what it takes to create what you know as possible as a tangible reality here and now.   It's not a birthing process, it is an adventure. ~

  • Moving Beyond Abuse: The Art of Fantastical Facilitation


    Back By Popular Request!  We are so excited to have Dr. Lisa Cooney joining us to talk about Moving Beyond Abuse: The Art of Fantastical Facilitation There is a magic space we all occupy where all barriers and limitations dissipate.  Being that space allows you to hear the whispers of consciousness where all choice and possibility exist beyond this reality. Are you curious to be the phantasm walking and moving all people beyond abuse easily, effortlessly and quickly?  What does that look like?  Would you like to choose to be the whisper of consciousness you truly be? Join us for this dynamic call to find out about The Art of Moving Beyond Abuse as a Phantasm Walking. ~

  • Magically Creating Wealth and Abundance; Guest Glenyce Hughes


    Is money a struggle for you? Do you feel like you never have enough? Is it time to change that? Join us as Glenyce Hughes shares stories, Access Consciousness® tools and magic tricks to create the wealth and abundance you've always dreamed of. Are you willing to have it all? Glenyce Hughes is an Inspirational Author, Speaker, Professional Medium, Radio Host and Facilitator of Infinite Possibilities. She empowers you to live your phenomenal life as she guides you to tap into your true potency, potential and all the amazing infinite possibilities. A true luminary, sheʼs inspired thousands around the world through her radio shows, writing, classes, tele-calls, groups, and individual sessions ~

  • The Magic of Relating to Others With Ease ~ Guest Kass Thomas


    Create better Relationships, More Money & Greater Business Opportunities! Relating to people is not a formula, it is not a fixed set of steps, it is a collaboration, a co-creation with the universe. What would it be like if you could feel comfortable in any situation and recognized what a gift you are when you are willing to have the ease of communication?  The truth is you have lots to choose from, it is simply a question of recognizing the many options you have in any situation and knowing what would be the most rewarding for you, for the other person and for everyone involved. Kass Thomas is a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness.  She travels the world teaching classes and workshops.  She is a walking, talking demonstration of how to communicate with ease - with yourself, with others, with your body, your business and the world at large. ~

  • Is Your Comfort Zone Actually That Comfortable?


    Everyone likes to be comfortable… that’s why there’s “comfort food”, comfy clothes and inventions like “The Snuggie”. In your struggle to maintain comfort, have you actually created stagnation?  Did you know that in nature, stagnation=death? Do you wait until your life is so uncomfortable that you’re facing the dying of you before you’ll choose greater?  How would it be if you were willing to choose continual expansion instead? Ahhhhhh.  Doesn’t that feel nice?! ~

  • What Shade Are Your Colored Glasses?


    Do you wear rose colored glasses?  Or another color?  Are you a glass half full or glass half empty person? Did you know that there’s actually no such thing as “objectivity”? Quantum physicists have already proven that just by our mere observation we change outcomes. If your point of view creates your reality, rather than the other way around - what would it take to change your point of view?  Or release ALL of your points of view so that you could have something greater show up?  Something more along the lines of infinite possibilities?! Let’s have some fun playing removing ALL the shades of your colored glasses! ~

  • Super Powers to Create Health Guest Liam Phillips


    Over the years we have heard of super foods, super therapies, super supplements, super exercise, super diets and super cures. What If you had super powers that you have yet to tap into? I'm not talking about flying or shooting lasers out of your eyes, but super powers that you and your body have as a natural way of being.  When you acknowledge these super powers, it can have a HUGE on your health and your life! Join Liam, Betsy and Sadie as we discuss these super powers and how you can access them! About Liam Phillips: 30 years ago Liam made a demand to be conscious no matter what. That started him on a path of self-discovery that took him to Ashram’s all over the world.  He participated and lead classes in schools of mystery, meditation and Krya Yoga. During that time, he was also a teacher of Autistic children, a husband, and part owner of an Organic food store.  He became a Yoga teacher, Meditation teacher and professional Tarot reader. Liam’s capacities with bodies and changing disease has been with him h

  • Manipulation – Enchanting the World Guest Blossom Benedict


    Would you like to enchant the world to bend to your desires?  Manipulation is such an ugly word as we define it today.  It means to get what you want at the expense of others.  But go back to an older dictionary before the word was contorted and redefined, and manipulation meant “to skillfully or artfully manage.” What if being good at manipulating was actually an incredibly valuable skill?  What if there were ways to go about it where people were empowered and not hurt?  What if manipulation, combined with awareness, was an incredibly potent capacity? In the last few years, Blossom discovered that skillful manipulation leaves people feeling better for having been in your presence.  It is neither fake nor put on.  It does not exclude being genuine.  It is simply having an awareness of what your actions and words will create, and choosing them with skill and care.  And boy is it fun! If you are not intentionally choosing your words, your timing and your actions, how much energy are you wasting? Has your unwill

  • Are You Stuck In the Muck?


    Have you given up?  Do you feel that you are pathetic because you feel you can’t change where you are stuck, no matter what you’ve tried?  Are you willing to change your point of view? What are you not willing to look at?  Is showing up in your life more valuable than anything else?  Let’s dive into this and see how quick you can change things that you choose to change! Join Access Consciousness Certified Facilitators, Sadie Lake and Betsy McLoughlin for a different way to look at this topic! ~

  • Right Relationship Guest Susan Lazar Hart


    The Right Relationship for You™ is about you and your life. It’s about moving you from who you have decided you cannot be or what you cannot change to what you have been asking for.  And that includes your relationships! Right Relationship For You gives you a very different perspective and dynamic tools for breakthroughs on issues that have you stuck, stymied or bewildered —with family, partners, your body, money flows, work, and most importantly with yourself. What if all your relationships contributed to you rather than drained you?  What if your relationships no longer had to be about drama, frustration, self-sacrifice, judgment or fitting in with everyone else? It is possible using these tools!  Are you willing to make that demand for yourself? What if, perhaps for the very first time, you can get to know yourself and live the life you have been dreaming of and have the relationships you always hoped for? Susan Lazar Hart is an international leader in consciousness who is transforming the way the people v

  • Receiving the Greatness of You


    Have you spent your life giving to everyone else and putting yourself last? Or do you even register on your own radar? Do you know how to receive everything? What is the secret for the people who make it look easy to receive all around them? Can we truly learn to receive? Join Access Consciousness Certified Facilitators, Sadie Lake and Betsy McLoughlin for a different approach to receiving. Let’s include ourselves! ~

  • Have you become A DOLT (adult)? Guest Cathleen Connor


    Does it drive you nuts how children ask so many questions? At what point did you give up being in the question in order to not annoy the adults in your life? What if the joy, fun, and lightness of childhood could be yours again? Join us and our special guest Cathleen Connor, host of Growing up Conscious, as we look at what was right about our child-like way, and how we can honor the gifts of childhood for the little people in our lives - as well as for our own little selves.

  • Essential Oils; Gifts to you, from the Earths


    Our very own Sadie Lake is a self proclaimed “Essential Oils junkie”. On this show, she will share what she loves about them, how and why she uses them, and what kinds of benefits you might be able to receive from them, too. Sure, they smell great! Aaaaand, these precious aromatics are truly a gift from the Earth that can assist our bodies in relieving anything from physical pain, colds/viruses. They also assist in detoxification pathways, and in spiritual transformation as well. Would you like to know more? Tune in and find out more about what else the Earth may be able to contribute to you.  

  • The Potency of You Behind the Abuse with Guest Dr. Lisa Cooney


    What if the abuse you have experienced in your life was actually an indication of your potency? Say what?! Dr. Lisa Cooney, host of Beyond Abuse, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Anything will drop some bombs in our universes – potentially blowing up the stigma of abuse we’ve been hiding behind. What if everything you’ve ever experienced is an indication of your greatness, instead of your perceived weakness? YES, you are that awesome. Can’t see it for yourself? Then join us on the call today and let us hold your hand as we lift the veil and show you your brilliance under where you have hidden!  

  • Follow the leader. Are YOU your own leader?


    What is a leader anyway? Most of us think a leader is someone who has followers. What if a true leader is someone who blazes the trail even if no one else comes along? Are you willing to be the leader of YOU, of your life? What would your life be like if you followed the energy of “yes” just for you, just for fun, and you never had to tell anyone? What the world would be like in 5 years if you were the fearless torch-bearer-creator of a different possibility? Do you think that might be a contribution to the change we’ve been asking for on this planet? Join Betsy and Sadie as they play into the energy of what it might be like to be a leader of your own life.  

  • Surrendering Attachments With Guest George Carroll


    Join our Guest George Carroll as he discusses his 8 ½ month homeless journey. George will discuss operating from a place of choice rather than a place of need and letting go of identity and attachments to money. This journey changed everything in his life and forced him to look at his deepest fears. George went from operating his life from necessity into choice. Join us as he shares how this totally shifted his financial reality. George Carroll is a Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Seminar Leader, Business Mentor, Marketing Strategist for Change Agents and Author of The Homeless Motivational Speaker. Also known as a Transformational Artist, George has trained for organizations such as Capital One, American Family Insurance, Colorado Association of Realtors, and Lawyers with Purpose. George spent many of his years chasing his dreams of becoming a professional football player, until he shattered his leg and ankle during his senior season at the University of Northern Colorado, leaving him de

  • Be the Contribution to Your Life with Guest Dannah Lewis


    Potency is the willingness to be the catalyst that changes ANYTHING. This is where you want to go – be the catalyst, the potency that changes anything you touch, so that everything can be different. We have spent a lot of time rejecting our life rather than being the creator and the contribution. What would it take to contribute to your life? Do you desire change and a different way of being? Join Certified Facilitators Sadie Lake and Betsy McLoughlin and Dannah Lewis on this Potent Subject! Dannah Lewis, Founder of Delicious LifeStyled ( and Certified Access Consciousness® Facilitator is a lifestyle design and business consultant taking people from possibilities to creating their juiciest realities with a deep sense of inspiration, caring, empowerment and celebration of living. Her holistic approach merges 20+ years of corporate experience, creative talents and innate sense of working with energy and healing capacities to dynamically facilitate people and businesses to exceed thei

  • The Beauty of Being with Guest Christel Crawford


    What if all that beauty you thought you lost… wasn't? What if there was something beyond the suffering you’ve known and become friends with? And what if life didn’t have to be as hard… as it’s felt so far? What if there were a beauty in you that you’ve never seen before? What if everything you thought was wrong with you was actually right? What if all the pain – all the fear – all the sadness – all the anger…. wasn’t even yours? What if YOU – were beautiful? And every molecule in the universe was just waiting…. shimmering at the edges of your vision….excited to contribute to YOU? Would you be willing to risk that maybe you were? And maybe lose your cement blocks — and find your wings? Christel Crawford has been creating change & ‘more’ her whole life, consistently demanding & growing forward. In the past year, Christel has changed & transformed her entire life & business. She loves working with people & playing with the tools of creation to create life & business at the speed of space. Christel is the Dominat

  • Money Honey! on Imperfect Brilliance Radio Show


    Are you willing to receive the money the Universe desires to gift you?  Show me the money honey!  Join Access Consciousness Certified Facilitators, Sadie Lake and Betsy McLoughlin on this show and let’s change some points of view around money!   

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