We're Not Wizards, Tabletop And Board Games Podcast

Ed Jowett - Era: Survival - Expansions into the Unknown 2 - Shades of Vengeance



Ed from Shades of Vengeance keeps on trucking with his Era Universe Kickstarters and so we chat about isolation, getting supplies and missing the banality of every day life.  Links of Notes https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shadesofvengeance/era-survival-expansions-2 https://www.shadesofvengeance.com/ https://www.facebook.com/shadesofvengeance/ https://twitter.com/shades_of_venge https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamepublisher/29488/shades-vengeance https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/8156/Shades-of-Vengeance OUR LINKS OF NOTES  Apple Podcasts     Our Blog, Reviews, Previews and Thoughts  Our YouTube Channel Our BGG Guild  Board Game Geek Page  Website   Facebook  Twitter  Instagram Buy Some Merch