Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

The Grey Zone Mindset- When All Or Nothing Doesn't Work- Wellness Coach Lydia Di Francesco Explains



Are you all in? I mean "All or Nothing" when it comes to your new years resolutions? No room for failure on any given day. If that’s your outlook, you may run into roadblocks that will have you heading in the wrong direction. Somewhere in there- there needs to be a Grey Zone, and wellness consultant, coach, trainer, speaker, author and mental health advocate Lydia Di Francesco has this zone well planned out- with room for miscues and missteps.Lydia and I go way back to the CTV Morning live days when she often made her way on to set, with ideas and concepts that allowed people to be creative at home.Not everyone has the luxury to afford gym memberships, personal trainers and wellness coaches to help achieve your health and wellness goals, but I promise you, on this podcast we are try to get as much covered as possible. We aim to provide you with steps, guidelines and suggestions on how to achieve the life you want….and do so with what its front of you. We talk meditaion, journaling, gratitude, workouts, f