Design Critique: Products For People

DC95 Nokia Customer Service



A heartwarming holiday tale of good customer service after the sale. Nokia politely and efficiently repaired Tim's Lumia 710 Windows Phone, using a combination of good website design, excellent customer service desk people, and a "do it right the first time" service department.Companies that care about their customers will save the brand's relationship with the customer when something goes awry. In particular, Nokia did three things to keep Tim's loyalty to the brand when disaster struck:1. Effective and consistent communication, both on their website and in person via telephone.2. Action that matches words with deeds. No hypocrisy or lies.3. High speed of resolving the problem--efficient solutions done right the first time.Thanks to their professional handling of the problem, Nokia has not lost a customer. Obviously this is something that T-Mobile doesn't care about, as evidenced by our previous episode, but to Nokia's credit they "get it".