Minister's Toolbox

EP 32: How Do You Deal With Loose Cannons In Your Church?



  A “loose cannon” is a person lacking insight. Their whose actions and/or speech jeopardizes the safety of people in their proximity or under their authority. In the body of Christ, we have powerful and gifted people who can do great good or great harm.  The only way that power and gifting have focus and ultimate effectiveness is when each cannon is under the authority and command of the captain. Cannons left to themselves always damage other Christians, and if left unchecked can bring down the whole ship. One of our jobs as a minister is also to help people discover their spiritual gifts and then create avenues for them to use those gifts to help grow the church. The difficulty comes when a member wants to use their gift or gifts to find acceptance and affirmation instead of serving. The Greek word for ministry is doulos: serving. Not yourself and your agenda; the body of Christ and His agenda. As a pastor or leader, you’ve been entrusted with a vision of where God wants to lead your church. It doesn’t mean