Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 35 - Retrain Your Brain for Life Changing Weight Loss with Dr. Stan Gravely



Have you ever tried or thought about losing weight, and the things you needed to do differently just didn’t seem to stick? If so, this episode will reveal the CRUCIAL element that you need to lose weight and improve your health effectively. My guest today, Dr. Stan Gravely, helps people connect the dots between the mind, body, and spirit. Knowing that they are all fully connected and fully integrated, Dr. Stan helps people understand the true root cause of their health issues so they can break free and experience full transformation. He’s worked to help other people to enrich their lives for over 20 years by focusing on the mind, body and spirit connection. Make sure you check out Dr. Stan's website for more information on the Genesis Diet, his coaching and his books! Visit We talk about: • How the dots of life (mind, body, spirit) are connected • The emotional factors between our health and losing weight • Your mind’s affect on your health and weight • How to tap into healthy habits t