Vagina Talks

068 Responding to The Call with Emerald Peaceful GreenForest



Darlings. Let's be real here. Are you hearing people anxiously trying to go back to the world we left behind? Are you seeing this mad scramble to get things back to normal and pretend this massive shift isn't happening? As this week's brilliant guest, Emerald Peaceful GreenForest, puts it, we are a bird hatching out of a thousand year old shell not yet knowing we can fly. We are the seeds that could only be germinated by a wildfire. The world that was–the corrupt money systems, the depleting health systems, the food that can't nourish, the jobs that bring no income–are done with. And unless we can all admit that the world ended and is being reborn, this next chapter is going to be a really serious struggle. Sophia got a message in the very beginning of this global shift that while it may seem like this time is all about death, it's about life. Death is all about life. The problems we are collectively facing may seem insurmountable, but each one of us is getting a different call to take care of just one small