"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

HELP! SITUATION: “How do I handle jealousy at work?”



In our HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series, we shine the light on challenges that community members have shared with me. This episode is, “ How do I handle jealousy at work?” Jealousy. Envy. How does a person handle it when others at work (especially peers) are jealous of them? What makes people jealous of you at work? What can you do to prevent or stop jealousy? I am able to admire a strength in another person without it relating to a negative perception of myself. Just because someone succeeds doesn’t automatically mean that I fail. Some people are already committed to a personal plan of self-degradation and self-criticism. Thus, if they see something else positive in other people, it triggers in them their fears, insecurity and pain. This results in them being jealous and engaging in behavior to try to diminish the accomplishments or strengths of other people (with verbal teasing or put-downs, with insults, with passive aggressive behavior to sabotage them). This is a sad way of life and we should have em