Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OUR COMMON GROUND l "Black Church on Fire" l June 23, 2012



OUR COMMON GROUND with Janice Graham Exploring the theologically poisonous tentacles which have found their way into many Black churches and is now a major force in the black expression of Christianity in America. How can we restore church leadership and engagement in the civic, political, social service our communities once again? The Black Church On Fire Guest: Dr. Matthew V. Johnson, Sr. AUTHOR PASTOR SCHOLAR Dr. Johnson joins us on OUR COMMON GROUND to discuss the decline of Black church engagement in the matters of Black community socio-economic, cultural and governmental affairs and the surging popularity of the Black prosperity gospel movement. A graduate of Morehouse College and the University of Chicago. He is the Pastor of Church of the Good Shepherd-Baptist and served as the National Executive Director of Every Church A Peace Church. Learn More about this episode    Email Us: OCGINFO@ourcommonground.com  Twitter: @JaniceOCG l Facebook: OUR COMMON GROUND with Janice Graham l COMMUNITY FORUM l W