Singing Flat With Sally B.

Sally b. Presents 29 Most Horrible Singing Habits



From her "Singing Flat Notes" Blog Voice Coach Sally b. demonstrates some of the most horrible singing habits she's ever witnessed from a singer. She'll read from her blog dated March 19, 2015 and entitled "29 Bad Singing Clues", which is posted for readers at . It will be the BEST 7 minutes you ever spent! Do any of the BAD SINGING HABITS presented in today's blog apply to you or someone you know? If so please tell us about it! Leave us a message in the comment area of this page and if you like this broadcast please FOLLOW our show today and SHARE with'll also be alerted when a new show is added. If you'd like to receive a FREE vocal consulation please record your 90 second a cappella song here:  Need a Voice Coach? Go to to learn more about our services. Thanks for tuning in today.  Yours in music!