West Pines Community Church

10-18-15 Revolt, Part 2: Commercialism, the Tyrant’s Henchman



In our culture, there is an oppressive dictator: Materialism. This tyrant has hooked us on his propaganda. He has made us believe that if we have more stuff, we’d be happier. And even though our own lives prove that this is not true, we still buy into his manipulative manifesto. This dictator has henchmen everywhere. Materialism’s henchman is Commercialism. We have to be aware of the influence advertising and marketing can have in our lives. Those things are not evil in and of themselves. But we are foolish to not understand their impact on our lives and on our kids. Our finances are one of the greatest resources we’ve been given. They have the power to change lives and even influence the eternity of a soul. We cannot afford to thoughtlessly let advertisers tell us how to use one of our key commodities. So, join the resistance. Revolt! Reclaim your finances. Your life can leave a legendary impact!