Paranormal Portal

21 - The Dogman Phenomena



On this episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, Don and I get into the topic the Dogman. The list of paranormal phenomena seemingly continues to grow as we journey into the realm of the Dogman. These Canid Cryptids seem to step right from our worst nightmares. Standing at over 6 feet to 9 feet tall (on average) these ferocious beings appear to be intelligent, cunning and incredibly territorial. What are these enigmatic beings that seem to share the forests with the Bigfoot? While encounters are somewhat rare, those who have been unfortunate enough to come face to face with the Dogman report a terror that goes right to the soul. While the encounters are horrifying, there are no solid reports of injury or worse at the hands of the Dogman, but can we be sure? But, in any case, we will dive into the topic and some of the beliefs surrounding it. Join us as we discuss this and so much more! Enter the Paranormal Portal...if you dare! If you like what you hear, please subscribe and if you have a story of your own,