Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Heal You and Heal Your House of EMF, Bad Energy, and More with Focused Life Force Energy



Clayten Stedmann and Jeffrey Stegman have a service that sends high consciousness energy to anywhere it is needed.  They have been on a mission to restore our planet to become more healed, especially in places where tragedy happened, such as concentration camps and war zones.  They are able to do this at no cost from funds from their modestly priced programs.They have just upgraded EMF protection to EMF 4.0 to filter out further frequency lowering effects of outside influences. This upgrade is a moderate change, perhaps in the 10% range of increased EMF Mitigation and may be felt physically by people particularly sensitive to EMFs. You may notice: A calming sensation. Improved sleep. Better Focus and Concentration You, too, can stream this energy to your home or your phone, so you can take it with you wherever you go.  You can even try it out for free.  Get your free trial HERE:  for 5g mitigation- For EMF harmonization: htt