Guerrilla Christianity

S8E49: The Coming Kingdom (Journey to the Cross pt. 7)



Sermon #437 Like so many other stories in the Bible, the account of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem is so familiar to us that we might just gloss over it's deeper meaning.  What we see in these eleven brief verses in Mark's gospel is that Jesus is who he says he is - the very Son of God, God of very God, and complete and utter master over time and space.  And what we might deem as human failure after such a great victory, God considered to be the ultimate victory over sin and death.  This Palm Sunday I pray that you will hear these words anew and learn from God's Spirit as we celebrate God's coming kingdom. Mark 11:1-11 Recorded at Hudson UMC on March 28, 2021 (Originally published March 31, 2021) View on YouTube S.D.G.