The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits | Personal Development | Rockin’ Productivity

480 - The Confident Mind: A Battle-Tested Guide to Unshakeable Performance



Go Premium! Exclusive bonus episodes, 100% ad-free, full back catalog, and more! Free 7-Day Trial of 5 AM Miracle Premium . Episode Summary We all get nervous -- but what's your plan to overcome it? Fear is the biggest obstacle between you and who you want to be — and know you can become. Since we all get nervous, experience butterflies in our stomach, and freeze in the face of daunting challenges — what separates the elite performers from the rest of us? In a word, confidence. In this week’s episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss Dr. Nate Zinsser‘s book, The Confident Mind, about how you can enter into your next arena with a game plan that can overcome just about anything in your way. . Episode Show Notes . Perks from Our Sponsors See the current deals exclusively for 5 AM Miracle listeners! . Learn More About The 5 AM Miracle The 5 AM Miracle Podcast . Free Productivity Resources + Email Updates! Join The 5 AM Club! . The 5 AM Miracle Book Audiobook, Paperback, and Kindle . Connec