

James Hollis is an American Jungian psychologist. He is a public speaker and the author of 16 books. He runs a private practice as a Jungian Psychoanalyst and is the Executive Director of the Jung Educational Center.Eric and James have an interesting conversation about his newest book, Living Between Worlds: Finding Personal Resilience in Changing Times, his work with depth psychology, and what it means as we go through different passages in life.If you are interested in learning more about how to integrate and embody spiritual principles into the moments of your daily life, Eric teaches people how to do just that in his 1-on-1 Spiritual Habits Program.  Click here for a free 30-minute call with Eric to learn more.   But wait – there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue the conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month.&