Zero To Travel Podcast : National Geographic Type Adventures, Lifestyle Design Like Tim Ferriss Plus Inspiration Like Ted

The Reality of Digital Nomad Life (Warts and All) With Steph and Dalt



Do you aspire to be a digital nomad? Today, I’m talking with Steph and Dalt to hear about their journey to becoming digital nomads as a couple and the realities of living the lifestyle. Steph and Dalt share what led up to their decision to live in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the magical (and maddening) experiences they had in this digital nomad hotspot, and the health scare that ultimately cut their travels short. You’ll get tips on traveling with your partner, working from Asia while being time-dependent, and dealing with medical issues in a foreign country with language barriers. This episode is packed with lessons about leaning in, exploring new opportunities in life and business, and personal growth. What have been the highs and lows of your digital nomad life? I'd love to hear what they are and hope you’ll share them by sending me an audio message. Premium Passport: Want access to the private Zero To Travel podcast feed, a monthly bonus episode (decided on by YOU), exclusive content, direct access to me to ans