Omc: Family Chapel

Justification by Faith



Previously, we saw Paul presenting the issue at hand regarding a false gospel. Then he defends his position for the true gospel and also confirms that it is in accordance with the Jewish leaders. And so this week, we get to the heart of what that true gospel is. The true gospel says that we are justified by faith and faith alone. It is not Christ + something else. It is Christ alone. To the Galatians, they were tempted to make the gospel about Christ + circumcision (law). To us, we are tempted to make the gospel about Christ + our own efforts (good works, self-justification). But justification is by faith alone. This does not lead into loose sinning, rather it leads to a life of power and freedom through our union with Christ. The world thinks good works precedes justification, but the true gospel says justification precedes good works. And we discover this to be true because love is the greatest motivator and "Christ in me" the ultimate power.