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TES 014 - Oh My What a Marketing Mistake - Lesson Learned



This session is a bit different. Mel Abraham shares with you a tale of irresponsible marketing that I experienced recently. The goal is to understand what marketing should be really about, how we can set it for success and the ways to create connection with customers and your team. The Tale of Irresponsible MarketingI worked with a service provider that helped me to reach and connect with my customers. Within a week, the CEO makes a blog post which starts out as "Death of the business name". It reflects on how the company's creator looks back at his four year old business and realizes that he secretly despised it. This story spans to three posts over a week and it keeps the clients in suspense about the future of the company.The idea behind it was to create suspense, generate attention and then share their re-structuring plans. The post generated a lot of attention in a negative way. The way it was presented, abused the pristine client-provider relationship.  He should have started with the re-