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EP128: Ask Molly Pittman Anything: Answers to Your Top 10 Digital Marketing Questions



Join Molly Pittman as she answers the most common digital marketing questions she’s asked — along with a few that surprised her — from DigitalMarketer’s private community, DM Engage. From what will make the biggest difference for your traffic campaigns to how to shave off two years of the digital marketing learning curve, the answers to these questions will give you the insight to grow as a digital marketer and tactics you can apply immediately to scale your paid traffic campaigns. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: Learn if you can run a successful paid traffic campaign with little content development. The three elements of your Facebook ad to split test, ranked in order of importance (« so your campaign can truly move the needle for your business). Hear Molly’s daily checklist for monitoring and optimizing Facebook campaigns that you can start applying today to create scalable, profitable Facebook ads.