Sharp - The Podcast

You Snooze You Win – STP010



Episode 10 - Plan to get downThis week we consider the idea that planning to do nothing helps you do more. It seems weird, but there is research showing that if you achieve 'down-time', you actually get better at doing stuff. Well, we're gonna be all over something that involves being BETTER, aren't we? So, continuing the theme of 'me-time' we look at apps and online resource to help you do just that. Some of the stuff in there is: Gawking at how we've already managed to get to 10 episodesSleeping in the day - why it's not lazyWhat Salvador Dali, a key, and a plate have in commonHow Einstein, Edison, Churchill, and Kennedy boost their productivityMichael Hyatt on - Why you should nap every dayTake a break; it's important -  Why you should do itA bloke called Andy Puddicombe and - why he might change your lifeGreat apps to help you meditate on a busy dayHow to get Headspace - Link to websiteThe Headspace App on - Android and iTunesThe 10% Happier AppHow groovy the people are at - Good Life ProjectJonathan Fiel