Where's The Lemonade?

#5.10 Marriage Myth: Don't Go To Bed Angry



Ok, so we all hear the saying, "Don't go to bed Angry." You probably hear this marriage advice at almost all weddings or bridal showers. Is it that important not to go to bed angry? Paige does not subscribe to this myth at all. Just the opposite. She feels that going to sleep during an argument is like a time-out. And then, when you wake up, it doesn’t seem nearly as bad. On the other hand, Darren would love to hash it out until it’s all resolved and then go to bed since he usually doesn’t sleep if he is in an argument.  One of the reasons that they say not to go to bed angry is because it’s typically difficult to sleep if you are angry. But what could be worse than going to bed angry is staying up and arguing...Here's what might happen if you stay up and argue:1.      Become more tired.2.      Think less clearly.3.      Get angrier the later it gets.4.      Get more triggered.5.      Say worse things.6.      Get more hurt.So instead of fixating on trying to get thru this fight so that you can get to bed, foc