Dj Nate

Episode 43: Nate's Live Sydney Mardi Gras Paradiso Pool Party Set - 2023 Ivy Pool



Here is my LIVE set recorded at Sydney Mardi Gras Paradiso Pool Party at Ivy Pool FEB - 2023.I really had a great time playing at this party, I had my first few songs in mind when I started, along with the closing track, which are all tracks that really resonated with me heading into Sydney Mardi Gras & Sydney World Pride, the rest of the track select was purely down to the vibe the crowd. I hope you enjoy listening to it, as much as I enjoyed playing it.There are some amazing artists featured in this set, who I'm fortune to call friends, Peyton & REVIVAL, ENN, Wayne G, I'm sure there will be more to add to this list, but for now. Enjoy!Thanks,Nate.X