Messianic Messages With Izzy



Izzy tells the story about how his family went from not caring about Yeshua's command to make disciples to going through crisis and paradigm shift, being challenged by Scripture, and experimenting with new times, venues, and styles of gathering.


  • "Why Do We Read From Stern's Complete Jewish Bible? (Part 2)" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In Part 2 of this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy reviews the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament, the Delitzsch Hebrew New Testament, the Zalkinson Hebrew New Testament, James Trimm's Hebrew Roots Version Scriptures, the Jewish Publication Society's Tanach, and Artscroll's Stone Edition Tanach,

  • "Why Do We Pray the Avinu, the Lord's Prayer?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why we pray the 'Avinu', the 'Our Father' prayer.

  • Teaching/Midrash in the Messianic Movement - "Exploding Arrows and Practical Cherubim"


    Creative teaching on the roles of teaching and midrash in the Messianic Jewish/Hebrew Roots movement. Videos of swerving and exploding arrows. The place where the Holy One will meet with you, speak to you, and reveal his glory to you. Breakdown of the aron/ark/chest/box. Exposition of the mercy seat/kaparah/lid. Illustration of the cherubim/kruvim. Our mission to protect the gospel and gaurd the message of Mashiach. Faces of each man to his brother over the atonement. Meaning of the phrase, and lift up his countenance to you. Differentiating between holiness and extreme holiness. Torah as archery, shooting arrows. You are called to teach. Path to greatness in the Kingdom. Abunch of babies versus teachers. Classical archery and Newton's First Law of Motion. Why Biblical teaching will make you uncomfortable. The why of teaching. Office in the ekklesia. Stricter evaluation and standard. Mission of Messianic Judaism to direct the body of Christ. Relationship between congregation and teacher. Employees deserve the

  • "Personal Yeshua, Board Not Bored Men, and Extreme Holiness" - Terumah and Mark 10-11


    Teaching on Exodus 25-27 and Mark 10-11 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Personal glimpses of Yeshua. His custom to teach people. Thinking in terms of history. Asking the Rabbi. Yeshua hugs kids and blesses them. Yeshua feels love. Yeshua the man's man. Stereotypical male values from Why Men Hate Going To Church by David Murrow of the Christian men's movement. Challenging. Calls his disciples his sons. Stand to pray. Guys, seriously dynamic equivalent of verily verily. Sacrifice and reward. Courageous, valiant, bold. Shows the path to greatness. Downright aggresive for righteousness. Moving mountains is a Hebrew idiom. Halachic questions on divorce and the context of Hillel and Shammai. Torah wasn't given to angels. Marriage and separation. Invitation to desire, dream big, set quantifiable goals. Vision on the mountain and implementation in the camp. Connection betwen har and harah in Ivrit. God wants your cash and major credit cards. Men are like boards and women are like curtains. Building sisterhood. M

  • "Warrior Knights, Pounding Blacksmiths, and the Kingdom Revolution" - Tetzaveh and Mark 12


    Teaching on Exodus 27-30 and Mark 12 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. People-watching at the mall. Watch the world with your Rabbi Yeshua. Shema greatest mitzvah, first verse learned by Jewish children, last words of observant Jew. Drought predicted by Josephus. Song of the vineyard in Yeshayahu. Roman legions and multi-layered catastrophe. Strength zones and errors of Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity. Spirit and power combo. Have you never read favorite question of Mashiach. Hierology. Book show and tell. Truth bomb from Ezekiel's vision. Temple dimensions, dedication of the altar/chanukah hamizbeach, circumcision in heart and flesh, detailed job description and practical instructions for cohanim, temple property, monetary system and just weights and liquid and dry measures, Messianic Nasi's provision for grain, drink, burnt, sin, and peace offerings, festivals of Rosh Chodesh, Pesach, and Sukkot, river flowing from millenial Temple rejuvenating Dead Sea, allotment of land of Israel to twelve tribes, an

  • "Why Do We Have Seven Readers Make Aliyah To The Torah?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why we have precisely seven readers go up, make aliyah, to the bema or reading pulpit every Shabbat.

  • "Eschatological Horse Cart, Steve Jobs' Two Tablets, and Reconsidering Preterism" - Ki Tisa and Mark 13-14


    Teaching on Exodus 30-34 and Mark 13-14 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Yeshua's inner circle. Check out our Passover seder teaching. Hebrew term for Dad, Abba, makes it through Greek to English. Jewish context of Gospel of Mark. Mashiach Ben Hamevorach. Yeshua used circumlocutions. Chronology of Acharit Hayamim. Abomination of desolation kickoff. Holocaust was worse than destruction of Second Temple, rules out preterist position. Rapture and the kibbutz hagaliyot, ingathering of the exiles from Amidah in Siddur. Small differences are BIG. Enlarged nun and Rav Chesed. Hebrew roots of English words. Book show and tell with The Word by Isaac Mozeson. Bitterness, pain, and suffering resulting in freedom. Ancient copyrighted essential oils recipe. His presence distinguishes us. The ten commandments as ten words, aseret hadvarim, eser hadibrot. Inconsistency of netilat yadaim. Shabbat as sign of eternal covenant. Global catastrophe on economic and geographical scales. Allah as curse. Old Covenant connections

  • "Why Do We Conclude With The Birkat Cohanim, Priestly Blessing in Hebrew?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why we finish our gatherings with the singing of the Birkat Cohanim, the Priestly Blessing from Numbers 6.

  • "Wildman Leaders, Concrete Signs, and Essence of Femininity" - Vayakhel-Pikudei and Mark 16


    Teaching on Exodus 35-40 and Mark 16 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Sitting Shiva for the Master. Messianic halacha of immersion in water, baptism. Signs of the covenant including circumcision/milah, unleavened bread/matzot, redemption of firstborn/pidyon haben, Shabbat/Sabbath, and tefillin/phylacteries. Being moved by a willing heart. Leaders who cut loose, wildmen who are wild, and men who are uncontrollable. Heart of nobility. Yeshua adds to and builds his ekklesia. Mishkan as picture of union of body of Mashiach. Unity is a mitzvah. Resurrection of the tabernacle. Yeshua as artist, workman, carpenter. Meaning of Hebrew names Bezalel and Oholiab. Do what's in your heart to do. Curtains picture of healthy sisterhood. Frequently repeated phrase as Yahweh commanded Moshe. Messianic Judaism rising up in spirit of Elijah. Understanding the anointing on Aaron and sons. International Woman's Day. Understanding the essence of femininity. Don't light fires on Shabbat and irony of Messianic practice.

  • "Why Do We Oneg (Potluck/Fellowship Luncheon) After Every Service?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy tells a humorous story about show and tell at school featuring a Catholic rosary, a Muslim prayer mat, and a Messianic crockpot and explains why we do oneg (potluck-fellowship luncheon) after services. Joy of eating together. Original Baptist jokes about crockpots. Calling Shabbat a delight and not a day for vegging out. Yom Kippur as test.

  • "Syncing With The Creator Of The Universe 1" - The Hebrew/Jewish/Israel Calendar and the New Testament


    Part 1 of a trilogy on the Biblical calendar, the Hebrew/Jewish/Israel calendar. Rosh chodesh, the new month. Purpose for the moon's creation. What would Jesus do? What Jesus did. How Yeshua planned his day, scheduled his time, and structured his worship life. Greatness in the kingdom and mitzvot. Paul and the early Christians and the calendar and feasts of Israel. Festivals as shadow. How celebrating the Festivals is a component of discipleship. How keeping the feasts is a component of ushering in the Kingdom and crowning Yeshua our King. Sneak peak of what we'll be doing when Mashiach comes. How to celebrate Rosh Chodesh. How the new moon is a picture of Messiah, Israel, and the New Covenant. Why it's important.

  • "Israel's Greatest Enemy, Heart Of Leviticus, Jewish Liturgy In Luke" - Vayikra and Luke 1-3


    Teaching on Leviticus 1-5 and Luke 1-3 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Ben Adam, Bar Enosh, Son of Man. Temple Service in Leviticus and Luke. Cohen ha Mashiach, the Messianic Priest. Collective mitzvot. Tzaddik attitude. Jewish context of Gospel of Luke. Jacob and David. Yeshua named on eight day, Jewish tradition. Joy and brit milah. Keren yeshuah in fourteenth blessing of Amidah. Greatest enemy of Israel not Romans, Nazis, Hamas, or Hizbullah. Ultimate enemies are sin and death. Christ the Lord as Aramaic Maryah Meshicha in Peshitta. Stones and sons as Hebrew wordplay in avanim and banim. Stereotype of Leviticus as boring. Vayikra central to Torah and heart of divine revelation. Why does book begin with and. Leviticus as heartcry of Elohim. Word to Gentiles from Shaul. Diminished Aleph represents Yeshua as concealed anointed Cohen. Universality of Torah and message of Leviticus. All humanity invited to worship, and the house of prayer for all peoples. Karav and korban. Drawing near and relational intim

  • "Tactical Satan, Yeshua's Weekly Synagogue Habit, and Makita Ordination" - Tzav and Luke 4-6


    Teaching on Leviticus 6-8 and Luke 4-6 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Expose of Satan's tactics. Attack relationship with Father. Tempation to act independently. Yeshua quotes book of of Deuteronomy, the Penateuch. Yeshua's custom of going to synagogue on Saturday morning. Yeshua preached because he loved the Jewish people and was passionate about preaching. Context of puzzling sunset phrase. Sky shut up three years six months Jewish extrabiblical tradition. Careers and spiritual mission. Wilderness. New wineskins and D. Thomas Lancaster's book 'King of the Jews'. Questions of correct Sabbath observance. Word for the movement. What does discipleship look like. Plug for HaYesod video course by First Fruits of Zion. Connection between neck and commandment, tzav and mitzvah, as connectors. Profile of offerings olah, minchah, chatat, asham, zevach shlamim. Burnt, grain, sin, guilt, and peace offerings. Studying Torah for its own sake. Principle of first the natural. Olah and fire picture Mashiach's submersi

  • "Why Do We Count The Omer Up to Shavuot/Pentecost?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why we count the omer, the fifty days from Passover/Pesach up to Shavuot/Pentecost, emphasizes the challenge, gives practical ideas, and sets the practice in the context of God's mitzvot and love language.

  • "Stop Hearses. Liquidate Death. Importance of Processes. Belly of the Torah" - Shemini and Luke 7-9


    Teaching on Leviticus 9-11 and Luke 7-9 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Megashift by Gene Rutz. You have a mission to stop hearses and liquidate death. It starts with compassion. Deep love, spiritual power, and and a Torah-lifestyle are a powerful combination. John the Baptist's message today is the same as Elijah's. Warning from Shimon the Pharisee for the Messianic Jewish/Hebrew Roots movement. Yeshua wore fringes. Go to shalom. Path to cool spiritual experiences. Stay focused on Yeshua, centered on Mashiach. 'Heavenly Man' about Brother Yun. 'Through The Fire Without Burning' by Dimitri Duduman. Yeshua's aliyah to Jerusalem. Tough face. Yeshua challenged people and wasn't always seeker-sensitive. Understanding the eighth day. Middle of the Torah as the belly of the Torah. Obedience and Glory. Priestly Blessing and Glory. People die when the Glory comes. Call to be sober and serious. Call to differentiate. One mitzvah in Gan Eden, related to appetite and diet. Old Testament is the dictionary of the New

  • "Why Do We Wear Tallits/Prayershaws And Why Does Izzy Call Them Capes?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy points out that men don't wear shawls, proposes that tallits be called prayer-capes or prayer-cloaks in English and explains why some men at the Crown wear them. BIblical commandment. Greek term for tassels, tzitzit, is kraspidon and is the word used for the hem of Yeshua's garment in Matthew and Mark. Tassels indicate nationality, social status, and job description, pictured by the cord of Judah in Genesis. Ancient ID. Coming under the Father's covering in the morning in prayer. Healing in the wings of the Sun of Righteousness in Malachi 4 a prophecy of healing powers of Mashiach. Wearing tzitzit on the belt. Pioneering practical, functional version of the Torah.

  • "Liturgical Breast Smiting, Festival Action, and Civic Strategy" - Emor and Luke 18-20


    Teaching on Leviticus 21-24 and Luke 18-20 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Too easy to focus on others instead of ourselves in spiritual growth and Torah observance. Pharisaic practice of fasting twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Looking up to heaven in prayer. Quotes from Siddur and Didache. Tradition of smiting the chest. Bringing babies. Which mitzvah the Master left out and why. Yeshua's question, 'What do you want?' Value of desire and setting quantifiable goals. What the term Ben Avraham, Son of Abraham, meant to Mashiach. Cities responding to Yeshua and disastrous consequences of rejection of Yeshua and Yochanan the Immerser. Celebration of the festival commandments contributes to greatness in the kingdom. Feasts bad translation of moa'dim. Whose are the appointed times. Proclaim with a loud voice and cry out the truth of the holy convocations. Breakdown of Hebrew verbal root qara, to call or cry out, as calling on the name of Yahweh in prayer, publicly reading the Scriptures, preaching, and

  • "Why Does Izzy Wear A Kippah/Yarmulke/Jewish Skullcap?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why he wears a kippah/yarmulke/skullcap, underscores the dangers of getting noogies, interprets Paul's statements about men covering their heads, gives an overview of the tradition, and tells his story of returning to Judaism, sorting through tradition and mitzvah, discovering his Ukrainian Jewish family's past, and remembering his extended family members who were killed in the shoah/holocaust.

  • "Sacred Space, Messiah's Midrash, and the Jubilee Year" - Behar-Bechukotai and Luke 21-24


    Teaching on from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Times of the Gentiles have been fulfilled. Crisis liturgy for Gentiles. Yeshua prays for you. When Mashiach joins a midrash. Yeshua had a hallmark way of breaking bread. Shalom aleichem. What precedes forgiveness of sins. Power from on high. Shnat HaYovel, the Jubilee year. Beginning of Jewish civic year in autumn. Return to family farm and extended family. Redemption, geulah, of Israel. More than people, it's the land and cosmos. More than individuals, it's national. Role of ritual and ceremony. Sacred space and time. Quote from 'Iron John' by Robert Bly. Nothing sacred in our culture. Hashem the mikdash m'at, the little sanctuary. Conditional blessings. Selective theology of Word of Faith and Prosperity Gospel hermeneutic. Persona, marital, civic, and national shalom. Shalom as title of Mashiach. Evil beasts and negative life forms including terrorists, political entities that compromise and sell their country out, doctors that murder infants, corporations th

  • "Torches, Tongues, and Tackling Pop Pentecost Misconceptions" Teaching on Shavuot/Pentecost/Weeks


    Teaching on the Festival of Shavuot/Weeks/Pentecost from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Tackling popular misconceptions. New covenant is not antithetical to previous foundational covenants. Parallels between the gift of the Torah and the gift of the Ruach ha Kodesh. Same date, the fiftieth day. Same time, early in the morning. Boy taking girl out on date showing up at 5 in the morning. Both public events. Visible glory. Thundering, earthshaking, audible. Tangible, indeniable, in your face theophany. Common misconception that the disciples were in the upper room when they were in the temple. 70 languages of the nations. Flames of fire reminiscent of Moshe's burning bush. Violent rushing wind and shofar blast. Same people, the nation of Israel. When was the birth of the church. Mystical birth of Mashiach's bride from his side pictured by Chavah from Adam's side. Same person glorified. Same Law given, clarified, upheld, and proclaimed. Same preparation. People redeemed and brought out of the system and into the

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