Messianic Messages With Izzy

"Sacred Space, Messiah's Midrash, and the Jubilee Year" - Behar-Bechukotai and Luke 21-24



Teaching on from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Times of the Gentiles have been fulfilled. Crisis liturgy for Gentiles. Yeshua prays for you. When Mashiach joins a midrash. Yeshua had a hallmark way of breaking bread. Shalom aleichem. What precedes forgiveness of sins. Power from on high. Shnat HaYovel, the Jubilee year. Beginning of Jewish civic year in autumn. Return to family farm and extended family. Redemption, geulah, of Israel. More than people, it's the land and cosmos. More than individuals, it's national. Role of ritual and ceremony. Sacred space and time. Quote from 'Iron John' by Robert Bly. Nothing sacred in our culture. Hashem the mikdash m'at, the little sanctuary. Conditional blessings. Selective theology of Word of Faith and Prosperity Gospel hermeneutic. Persona, marital, civic, and national shalom. Shalom as title of Mashiach. Evil beasts and negative life forms including terrorists, political entities that compromise and sell their country out, doctors that murder infants, corporations th