Messianic Messages With Izzy

"Stop Hearses. Liquidate Death. Importance of Processes. Belly of the Torah" - Shemini and Luke 7-9



Teaching on Leviticus 9-11 and Luke 7-9 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Megashift by Gene Rutz. You have a mission to stop hearses and liquidate death. It starts with compassion. Deep love, spiritual power, and and a Torah-lifestyle are a powerful combination. John the Baptist's message today is the same as Elijah's. Warning from Shimon the Pharisee for the Messianic Jewish/Hebrew Roots movement. Yeshua wore fringes. Go to shalom. Path to cool spiritual experiences. Stay focused on Yeshua, centered on Mashiach. 'Heavenly Man' about Brother Yun. 'Through The Fire Without Burning' by Dimitri Duduman. Yeshua's aliyah to Jerusalem. Tough face. Yeshua challenged people and wasn't always seeker-sensitive. Understanding the eighth day. Middle of the Torah as the belly of the Torah. Obedience and Glory. Priestly Blessing and Glory. People die when the Glory comes. Call to be sober and serious. Call to differentiate. One mitzvah in Gan Eden, related to appetite and diet. Old Testament is the dictionary of the New