Messianic Messages With Izzy

Teaching/Midrash in the Messianic Movement - "Exploding Arrows and Practical Cherubim"



Creative teaching on the roles of teaching and midrash in the Messianic Jewish/Hebrew Roots movement. Videos of swerving and exploding arrows. The place where the Holy One will meet with you, speak to you, and reveal his glory to you. Breakdown of the aron/ark/chest/box. Exposition of the mercy seat/kaparah/lid. Illustration of the cherubim/kruvim. Our mission to protect the gospel and gaurd the message of Mashiach. Faces of each man to his brother over the atonement. Meaning of the phrase, and lift up his countenance to you. Differentiating between holiness and extreme holiness. Torah as archery, shooting arrows. You are called to teach. Path to greatness in the Kingdom. Abunch of babies versus teachers. Classical archery and Newton's First Law of Motion. Why Biblical teaching will make you uncomfortable. The why of teaching. Office in the ekklesia. Stricter evaluation and standard. Mission of Messianic Judaism to direct the body of Christ. Relationship between congregation and teacher. Employees deserve the