Messianic Messages With Izzy



Izzy tells the story about how his family went from not caring about Yeshua's command to make disciples to going through crisis and paradigm shift, being challenged by Scripture, and experimenting with new times, venues, and styles of gathering.


  • "Grueling Combat, Hebrew Wordplay, and Yeshua's Object Lessons" - Nasso and John 3-4


    Teaching on Numbers 4-7 and John 3-4 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Hebrew wordplay in ruach as wind and spirit. Wind as picture. Earthly things include basic commands of Torah pertaining to lifestyles, work schedules, diets, who we marry, etc. ABC's of faith. Danger of being too earthly or too heavenly. Be physical and spiritual. Understanding chayei olam, eternal life. Mission to save, not judge. Blowing arrogance out of the world. Defining light. The Master's intensive leadership training techniques. Shavuot story in Gospel of Yochanan paralleling Ruth. Object lessons as powerful communication medium and springboard point. Hebrew wordplay of mayim chaim, living water. Yeshua sidesteps religious debates and cuts through to real issue. No dis on Jerusalem and the Temple system. Samaritan Gerizim a false and unbiblical system. Hebrew wordplay, Yeshua and Yeshuah. Yeshua refers to Jewish people as 'we'. Jesus was and is a Jew. Why two days. Priestly work is of a military nature and involves warfare more

  • "Menorah Emblem, Female Attributes, Junior/Senior Leadership Training" - Behalotcha and John 5-6


    Teaching on from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Expansive parsha stretching from Sinai to threshold of Canaan. Connection between lighting menorah and seven readers making aliyah to bema. Menorah is the emblem of Yeshua faith, Messianism, early Christianity. Many flamed candelabrum picture of local body of Christ. Parallels between priestly and apostolic work. Early tradition of James the Righteous, Yaakov ha Tzaddik. Age 25 to 30 is training phase. 30 to 50 years olds are on the front lines and working hard. Seniors as mentors, training and offering vital support. Questions that start with 'and'. Femininine attributes of God. Pesach Sheni, the Second Passover, and practical applications for Yeshua's people. Halacha for specific situations. Dire warning. Observable trend that slowly took over the early church. Moving according to Yahweh's word. Example of holy community gathering. Law forever. Days of joy and learning to celebrate. Messianic Judaism's history. FFOZ, First Fruits of Zion. Presence and written

  • "Villainous Preacher, Almond Teachers, and How To Handle Verbal Attacks" - Korach and John 9-10


    Teaching on Numbers 16-18 and John 9-10 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Have a parsha named after you and go down in infamy. Understanding the Biblical concept of judgment as valuating correctly. Laura and Almanzo from Little House on the Prarie. Conclusions based on physical criteria are incorrect. Faith perspective and practical atheism. You are every wicked ruler and sick villain in the whole Bible. That's where the Gospel comes in. How to respond when criticized and verbally attacked. Yahweh's glory vindicated Moshe and Aharon and will vindicate his Mashiach. Fruitfulness means making talmidim. Unhealthy approaches to Shabbat and disgusting self-righteousness. Almonds picture of excellent teaching producing alertness. Shiloach pictures those sent into your life. Not all Pharisees were bad and rejected Jesus. God uses people with inglorious backgrounds and uneducated, uncredentialed types. Yeshua hiked several days to Jerusalem for Chanukah. Tehillim are Torah too.

  • "Jewish Defiance, Bridal Beautification, Quality Versus Quanity, Insane Faith" - Shelach John 7-8


    Teaching on from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Personal discipleship and spiritual growth first. Then power and numerical growth. Applies individually and communally. Sent to yourself, who you really are. Travelling to Israel. Hebrew meaning of Paran. Beautification of the bride. Joshua is Yehoshua. No evidence Yeshua was ever called this. Enlarged Samech in Vayahas. Can't versus Can. Correct details and wrong conclusions. Counterculture attitudes. The land of Israel is very very good. Reputation of God in prayer. Enlarged Yod. Physical dimensions subsumed in overwhelming divine reality. Evil church of Israel. Justice and getting what you want. Age 20. Comfort, creative ways of communicating, and the Holy One's love language. One Torah for all, but not forced. Marching out with boldness and defiance. Context of Gospel of John in Jerusalem, Judaism, and the Festivals such as Sukkot and Hoshanna Rabba. The Jews in John mean Judean political and religious leadership, or the Judean people. Moadim are deeply Jew

  • "Irrelevant Bible Verses, Disguised King, and How To Take Down A Giant" - Mattot-Massei John 18-21


    Teaching on Numbers 30-36 and John 18-21 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Seemingly irrelevant Bible verses such as Atarot and Dibon. Read the whole parasha and don't skip verses. Read at home and at synagogue. Crossing over to yourself, armed to the teeth. Find yourself in your going over to Israel, arming yourself with tools for the mission, and helping your brothers come into their inheritance. Your militancy affects the nation. It takes a community to raise a child, make a disciple, and take the world for Messiah. Your inheritance as your speres of influence including work, family, friends, school, media. Addictions, problems, weakness, dysfunction, fear, are giants to be taken down. Countering hyper-feminism, both secular and evangelical. Foundation for heatlhy family relationships and shalom in the home. Challenge to men to be involved in their families' lives. Paul taught Torah to Gentiles. Silence is agreement in issues such as abortion and antisemitism. Picture of Yahweh's forgiveness. Practical

  • "Buttprints In The Sand, Depths Of Torah, And Overview Of Deuteronomy" Devarim and Acts 1-2


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 1-3 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Overview of book of Deuteronomy. Repetition of the Law, the Mishneh Torah. Hebrew linguistic context of comments on Priesthood in Epistle to the Hebrews 7. Daniel Lancaster's brilliant series on Hebrews explaining the deuteros. Value of review in studying Torah and textbooks for exam for high school or university. Brain research and key to unlocking long term memory. Audience of Deuteronomy. Anachronistic reading and preaching. Unity of klal Yisrael and presence in spirit. Take the Scriptures personally. Eleven days from Sinai to Canaan. Geographical distance relative to dimension of faith. Bible exposition and expositional preaching as writing clearly and digging a deep well. Moshe clarified the Torah, as does our sage Yeshua. 600,000 stars available to the naked eye. Torah math indicates the ideal population of the state of Israel is 600 million. Birth control and abortion are two of the greatest enemies of Israel. Intermarriage and assimilati

  • "Legendary Tzadik, Praying For Israel, and Gospel According To The Shema" - Vaetchanan and Acts 3-5


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 3-7 and Acts 3-5 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Jewish context of book of Acts. Yeshua's apostles prayed mincha at the traditional time in conjunction with the afternoon sacrifice, the tamid offering. Linguistic and historical background for 'Nazarene' as title of Mashiach. The concept of the tzaddik in the Jewish world and our ultimate legendary Tzaddik. Refuah shlemah, complete healing. Jewish Christology, that Mashiach Ben David would raise Mashiach Ben Yosef from the dead. Period of restoration described by all the prophets of Israel. Bless you by turning you from wickedness. Tactical prayer. God uses uneducated and untrained blue collar workers and trades guys. God kills people for messing with him. Healing is God's will. All who came to Yeshua and the Apostles were healed. Yeshua grants repentance and forgiveness to Israel. Ruach ha Kodesh to those who shema to his voice, obey him. Listening precedes love and other secrets of the Shema. Role of Torah study in the Messianic

  • "Phylacteries Demo, Ekklesia of Israel, and Hallmarks Of The Yeshua Movement" - Ekev and Acts 6-7


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 7-11 and Acts 6-7 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Dynamic hallmarks of the Yeshua movement, the early church. Holy Spirit, wisdom, faith, grace, power. Two false theses from false witnesses that have wormed their way into pop theology on the Temple service, Jewish people, and Jewish tradition. Disproof of false charges. Hellenists and Hebrews explains Shaul, Paul. Messianic cohanim continued as cohanim. In Messianic nomology, Torah is living oracles, living words. Eighteenth blessing in Amidah. Church in the wilderness and the ecclesia of Israel. Inconsistent translation. Ekklesia was born on Pentecost 3500 years ago at the base of mount Sinai. Izzy's debut as celebrity singer. Live tefillin/phylacteries demo. Literal mitzvah. Five lines of evidence that Yeshua bound tefillin. Torah commands us to. Halachically, Yeshua was a Pharisee. Even radical Essenes bound phylacteries as common Jewish tradition. Mashiach was a traditional Jew, raised by Yosef who was a tzaddik. Eusebius writ

  • "Johnny Cash, Holy Spirit and Baptism, and the Dowhatchacan Principle" - Reeh and Acts 8-9


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 11-16 and Acts 8-9 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Receiving the Holy Spirit was separate experience from faith and baptism. Came through prayer and laying on of hands. Hebraisms and Hebrew expressions and idioms in Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles evidence of original Hebrew or Aramaic. Immediate immersion in water practice of early Yeshua movement. Eastern holistic approach to life as a way explains term for early Messianic community. Yeshua's body is Yeshua, so don't speak against his body. Shimon Kefa knelt in prayer. Early Christians raised the dead. The dowhatchacan principle. Mission of Israel entering Canaan picture of mission of Yeshua's disciples. Church history opposite of mission accomplished, replete with Christmas trees, mistletoe, easter eggs and ham, all foreign elements from worship of other gods, the sex and fertility cults of Baal and Asherah, mystery cults of Mithra and Tammuz. Makom as title of Mashiach. We haven't arrived yet, so grow humbly and follow

  • "Why Is Izzy Always Tackling Popular Misconceptions and Controversies?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why he's always tackling popular misconceptions and controversial topics. Quotes from Stalin and HItler. Ideas are dangerous and can be disastrous. Satan as the liar and progenitor of lies, deceiving the whole world. Lies, incorrect ideas, ignorance of the facts, and off-base theology are the greatest weapon in Satan's arsenal. You are a warrior for the cause of truth. The restoration prophesied by Yeshua includes a return from lies to truth.

  • "Month of Romantic Love, Inner Awakening, Soul Searching, and Pursuit of the Mashiach - Elul"


    Teaching on the month of Elul, the sixth month on the Biblical/Hebrew/Jewish/Israel calendar, from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Follows two months of golden calf and sin of spies. Quote from Rashi. Month of repentance, forgiveness, and mercy. Romantic month. Hebrew acronym for Elul from Song of Songs. Symbolism of Pesach and Shavuot. Drawing near. Going from 'back to back' to 'face to face' at Yom Kippur. Constellation is Betulah, the Virgin. Story from Likkutei Torah, the king in the field. What John Maxwell calls moving slowly through the crowd. Practical applications and Jewish customs for Elul. Blow the shofar, God's alarm clock. Theme of awakening. Pray Tehillim 27. Meditate on Shir ha Shirim. Pursue shalom and reconciliation with everyone. Have tefillin and mezuzot checked by sofer. Symbolism of phylacteries and doorpost. Questions for men. Month of preparation, comparable to Friday. Soul-searching, praying slichot, humbling oneself. Story of Rabbi Saadia Gaon, an Arabic speaking Jew. Romantic lines

  • "Jewish and Christian Booboos, Soldier Scenario, and Deuteronomical Jesus" - Shoftim and Acts 10-12


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 16-21 and Acts 10-12 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Tzedek tirdof. Mazal tov. False basis for Rabbinic authority and Oral Law. Context is court based in Jerusalem and civil law. The Christmas tree Asherah pole connection. Fertility rituals, addictions, and perversions are incompatible with true worship. Sacred pillars, steeples, and spires. Imports from Egypt by Constantine. Opposite of false spirituality is being wholehearted in worshipping Yahweh. You are a soldier. Don't freak out and lose heart. 'Waking the Dead' by John Eldredge. Spiritually mature people pray over events in their area. Ananias, Paul, Cornelius, and the Jerusalem congregation were all praying. Yeshua the Judge, Teacher, King, Prophet, and Redeemer. Cast the first stone is a quote from the Torah. Qualifications for a true king of Israel. Not a foreigner, a brother of the Jewish people. Yeshua hasn't yet fulfilled the whole Torah. He will at his return. The resurrected Prophet. Yeshua used to say something oft

  • "Fickle Flash Mobs, Eating Your Neighbor's Tomatoes, and Saul/Paul Dichotomy" - Ki Tetze Acts 13-15


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 21-25 and Acts 13-15 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Crowds and flash mobs are fickle and unstable. Saul's name was never changed to Paul, he was always called by both names, a Hebrew and a Greek Diaspora name. Other examples, Justus, Mark, and Jesus. Gospel according to Torah. Hebrew wordplay for fulfillment through resurrection and freedom through forgiveness. Worthy goal to serve Elohim's purpose in your generation. Write this unpopular Bible verse on your fridge with a happy face on it. Debate in Acts 15 is about salvation. More mitzvot in this parasha than any other. Technical least of the commandments. Great people scrutinize this passage. Contains more laws that God haters mock who'll either be in the nosebleed seats in the kingdom, or in the frontrow seats in hell. Three P's of Torah hermeneutics, practice, principal, and person. What do do, why, and who told you. Mocked mitzvot. Stoning the rebellious son. Mother bird and eggs scenario. Pauline nomology. Messianic silhoue

  • "Jew Paul, Toilet Idolatry, Real Versus Fake Revival, Anti-Judaism" - Nitzavim-Vayelech Acts 19-23


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 29-31 and Acts 19-23 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Biblical revival ?according to Deuteronomy 30 includes a return to the land of Israel and to the Torah of Moshe. National unity of klal Yisrael. Mediatorial presence of the Aleph and Tav in the Mosaic covenant. ?Disgusting idolatry and that which goes into the toilet. Message of the enlarged Lamed. Dealing with ?disappointment and confusion. Surviving the faith crisis. Embracing mystery. Anti Judaism of Ignatius. ?Jewish context of believers meeting on Sunday. Paul observing Unleavened Bread and Pentecost, ?keeping the Law, giving speeches in Hebrew, and shouting, I am a Jew. ?

  • "Rosh Hashana's Titles, Coronating The KIng, Precapitulating The Future" - Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashana


    Teaching on Yom Teruah, the Day of Trumpets and Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Celebrating a triple whammy of Messianic revelation. Breaking down the ?directives of the day to Shabbaton or rest, Zikkaron or remembrance, Mikra Kodesh or holy convocation, ?Teruah or shouting and trumpet blasts, and Offerings by Fire . Explaining traditional terms for such as Day ?Trumpets, Day of the King, Covered Day, Day of Judgement, Birthday of the World, Head of the Year, Day of ?Remembrance, and the Day or Today. Examining David Stern's interpretation of the Lord's Day in ?Revelation. Reviewing moments of shouting and shofar sounding including the giving of the Torah, Joshua ?and the Jericho conquest, Gideon and Ehud, and Saul and Solomon's coronations. Previewing the future ?Great Tribulation, Ingathering of exiles, Return of Mashiach, Resurrection of the dead, and Judgement. ?

  • "Epic Drama, Nazi Resurrection, Irritating Gentiles, Vindication Of Paul" - Haazinu and Acts 24-26


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 32 and Acts 24-26 from from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Epic drama of the song of Moshe, replete with hero, villain and fair maiden, narrator and audience, and ?five gripping acts ending with the equivalent of the cowboy riding off into the sunset, the happy couple wed in ?the Jane Austen story, and smiling faces in Little House on the Prarie. How this song is for the last ?generation in the Acharit Hayamim, the End of Days, and how it is just as much about the Church as it is ?about Israel. Why Gentile believers, especially Hebrew Roots or Ephraimite types, are a source of jealousy ?and irritation to some Messianic Jews and mainline Messianic Jewish organizations. Mosaic ?dialectic of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Practical instruction on how to respond when hurt or offended. ?Relational reconciliation and conflict resolution. Jewish Sect of the Nazerenes. Nazis raised from the ?dead. Paul the member of the Sanhedrin. The anti-Hebrew bias of English Bible translators. A worth

  • "Sukkot In History, Jewish Tradition, Messianism, and Prophetic Future" - Booths/Tabernacles


    Teaching on Chag Sukkot, Festival of Booths, Feast of Tabernacles from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Season of our Joy. Jewish traditional practices ?including bringing your nice furniture and fine china and cutlery into the Sukkah, eating, drinking, and taking ?your leisure in the Sukkah, and studying the Torah in the Sukkah. The royal pavilion of the King. The Baal ?Shem Tov on the all encompassing mitzvah. 70 bulls and the times of the Gentiles. Story from Avodah Zarah ??3a about Gentiles kicking over their booths. Zionist act and connection to Jerusalem. Imitation of God. ?Renewal of family prayer. Uriah the noble and David the slouch - a call to the body of Messiah to stand with ?the Jewish people. Future Exodus and Great Tribulation. Encounter with Esau, the dark night, and a new ?name. Key to revival. Romantic secret place. Object lesson on Lulav - willow, myrtle, palm, and citron. Hallel ?and Hoshana. ?

  • "Lifesaving Women, Leaders Amongst Men, How To Leave Your Legacy" - Vzot Habracha Acts 27-28


    Teaching on Deuteronomy 33-34 and Acts 27-28 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Message for Simchat Torah and Shemini Atzeret. The how, what, when, and who of leaving a legacy for the ?generations to come, focusing on spoken and written blessings. Yeshua the Aleph and Tav coming with ten ?thousand holy angels. Messianic connections betwen the giving of the fiery Torah and the relationship of ?Yeshua and his disciples. Torah as national legacy. Difference between God as popular King and God as ?absolute Ruler. Keys to the full manifestation of the Kingdom of God and unity of the body of Christ. Watershed coronation of David at Hebron. Why Izzy is part of the Prince Albert ministerial. John and Stacy ?Eldredge dispel the myth of the bland helpmeet. Women as lifesavers and lifesustainers. Messianic ?Chassidim. Hebraic understanding of hating family members. Elohim the Bush Dweller. The sacred ?partnership between businessmen and Torah scholars. The prophetic illumination of the First Day. The Fast ?of Yom Kipp

  • "Union With Messiah, Mirror Gazing Torah Study, Missional DNA, Passive Men" - Breishit James 1-2


    Teaching on Genesis 1-6 and James 1-2 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Understanding commandments as blessings. Yeshua the Ben Adam, the Bar Enosh. Parallels between the blessing given to Adam and the Great Commission. First mitzvot in the Torah relating to diet and sexuality. First and last Shabbats in history. Hebrew connection between hope, intention, and immersion, that is tikvah, kavanah, and mikveh respectively. Gods appointed times in Genesis 1. Clothing the naked. The voice of the murderer. Hebrew connection between the bride and completion. The absence of Adam on a business trip, watching football, out for a beer, at an elders meeting, or gone to another Bible study. Union with Mashiach. Hebrew undertones and Jewish context of the epistle of James. Letter to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, not the 38,000 denominations of Christianity. Torah as mirror and gazing. Church as synagogue. Good religion versus bad religion.

  • "Soul Pornography, Construction Worker Faith, Survival Expert Grandpa Noah" - Noach James 4-5


    Teaching on Genesis 6-11 and James 4-5 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Story about Izzy's Doukhobour ancestors who immigrated to Canada from Georgia in sight of Mount Ararat. Parashat Noach as prophesy of End of Days and the coming perfect firestorm. Parable of special file transferred from hard drive before total system restore and removal of worms, viruses, and trojan horses. Torah as survival manual for global cataclysms. Keys to surviving as told by great great great Grandpa Noah. Grace and the power of the Gospel. Practical steps to humility. Lifestyle righteousness. Robust construction worker faith. Taking yourself for a walk. Noach as leader in family and community. Noahs wife as unsung hero and lifesaver. Funny skit. Microcosmic beasts such as biological warfare and pandemics. Macrocosmic beasts such as Chamas and Islamic terrorists. Noah hammered and unclothed. Honouring fathers in church history. The difference between physical and soul pornography. The legendary tzadik. Running for the cupboar

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