Messianic Messages With Izzy

"Wildman Leaders, Concrete Signs, and Essence of Femininity" - Vayakhel-Pikudei and Mark 16



Teaching on Exodus 35-40 and Mark 16 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Sitting Shiva for the Master. Messianic halacha of immersion in water, baptism. Signs of the covenant including circumcision/milah, unleavened bread/matzot, redemption of firstborn/pidyon haben, Shabbat/Sabbath, and tefillin/phylacteries. Being moved by a willing heart. Leaders who cut loose, wildmen who are wild, and men who are uncontrollable. Heart of nobility. Yeshua adds to and builds his ekklesia. Mishkan as picture of union of body of Mashiach. Unity is a mitzvah. Resurrection of the tabernacle. Yeshua as artist, workman, carpenter. Meaning of Hebrew names Bezalel and Oholiab. Do what's in your heart to do. Curtains picture of healthy sisterhood. Frequently repeated phrase as Yahweh commanded Moshe. Messianic Judaism rising up in spirit of Elijah. Understanding the anointing on Aaron and sons. International Woman's Day. Understanding the essence of femininity. Don't light fires on Shabbat and irony of Messianic practice.