Simpleflight Radio



Welcome to the SimpleFlight Radio show! We are here to help you define your personal aviation lifestyle. We've got the tips, pilot hacks and introductions to the people who give their aviation secrets.


  • Aviation Alphabet Soup with Adam Smith, October 8, 2017

    09/10/2017 Duración: 01h12min

    Over the last 5 years, SimpleFlight Aviation Radio has had multiple repeat guests.  Generally their contributions to aviation have grown, but only from within the same role.  Tonight, please welcome back Adam Smith, who was our guest on our first remote show back in November of 2012.  At that time, Adam was new to AOPA, heading up the new Center to Advance the Pilot Community.  We also  learned about all the things he did with EAA and NMF (National Museum of Flight in Scotland). After a year plus at AOPA, Adam was about to accept a new role with a West Coast company.  But he was presented with an offer to work with the Commemorative Air Force (CAF), in building a museum that would connect the public with the CAF mission in a very emotional and experiential way.  That offer hit home with Adam, and was one he could not refuse.  Tune in tonight as Marc and Rhonda learn about his journey through the different organizations and a special announcement as to yet another change in direction as he continues his life's

  • Warbird / Human Connection, September 24, 2017

    25/09/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    The aviation community is as close knit as it gets.  Tonight, the SimpleFlight Crew learned that it just isn't about airplanes, but also about making the connection between airplanes and the people that flew them.  This becomes even more poignant when it comes to warbirds.  Our guest, Shad Morris, Flight Engineer on CAF's Fifi (B-29) and T-6 Crew Chief at the Reno National Championship Air Race, is also one heck of a mechanic and an aficionado when it comes to aircraft engines.  Join Marc and Rhonda in understanding his passion for what he does and the importance of teaching the youth of today about the role these planes played in providing us the present we get to enjoy. You're going to love this episode.  Check out Fifi's web site  for more info on when and where you can see and get a ride in this iconic aircraft.                                  **************** We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know what y

  • Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, September 17, 2017

    19/09/2017 Duración: 58min

    Some 5 years ago, Al Waterloo started SimpleFlight Aviation Radio in his hotel room at OSH12.  The next week, he asked Marc Epner to join him, and together they grew the popularity of the show by broadcasting live, and connecting their listeners with amazing people doing amazing things in aviation.  At the end of 2016, Al could no longer make the commitment to the show, so he left it in Marc's hands as he moved on in his aviation career.   While the show has continued to gain popularity, Al has continued his own growth as a successful sales rep for Cirrus Aircraft.  Join us as Rhonda and Marc talk with Al about life after SimpleFlight.  The three discuss his transition from airline pilot, to instructor/mentor, to sales professional, and even to husband. It was great to reconnect with Al, and we know our listeners will whole heartedly agree.  As Al always said... "It's AWESOME!" =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know wh

  • Going First Class, September 10, 2017

    11/09/2017 Duración: 59min

    With a last minute cancelation of our guest, Marc and Rhonda added one more first to tonight's show.  That being the first time they've done a show without a guest.  With a theme of many first's, the crew didn't skip a beat as a lively discussion ensued across a plethora of topics.  It all started with new CFI Brandon endorsing off his first student to solo just prior to our show start.  Paul did a great job and made Brandon proud.  All of us remember our solo flight, and what a special feeling remains.  Congrats to Brandon and Paul. The conversation moved on to Marc's first annual with his plane.  A big sticker price, but came with a great education on the control and philosophical approach to decision making with regards to new vs. used parts, now vs. deferred timing, and getting to know and trust your A+P, as well as the airplane. Rhonda ignored the advice of so many, as she went for a First Class medical.  Why she did it, made for interesting conversation.  We both learned new things, and bet you will too

  • Flying The Polar Pumpkin, August 27, 2017

    28/08/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    Be honest, how many of you have a bucket list item that incluces logging a flight to the North or South Pole?  This week's guest, Art Mortvedt, an Alaskan Bush Pilot, has been to Antarctica more than 20 times.  With over 6,000 hours flight experience and 6 seasons of scientific logistics in the North Polar ice pack.  Art had the SimpleFlight crew in the palm of his hands, as he regaled Marc and Rhonda with his adventures and experiences that very few of us can speak to with any level of expertise.  This is truly a man that follows his passion, and there is no sign of slowing down.  Art is an elected member for the Explorers Club, New York, and a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, London.  He has studied the traditional life-style of the Inupiat Eskimos and other traditional cultures in South Africa, Australia, the Cook Islands, Greenland and the Falkland Islands.  Be ready to think big when it comes to your future flying goals.  The bar has been raised.  Marc shared his experience in getting to and expe

  • Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 20, 2017

    21/08/2017 Duración: 57min

    With Rhonda traveling to the Big Easy and Marc primed to go solo, Mike Barbarone stopped by to do some hangar flying with Marc.  Both Mike and Marc were bitten by the maintenance bug, potentially derailing their efforts to view the Total Solar Eclipse in the Path of Totality.  Their planned destination is Carbondale, IL (KMDH), which boasts being the city with the longest viewing time of the total eclipse.  With weather being an issue in Chicago, both Mike's and Marc's plane needs maintenance work before departing for the party.  The event promises to be a great one.  We hope all of you can take part in the experience (be careful and kind to your eyes). ​Mike shared his experience at the Chicago Air and Water show, which was amazing.  He had a prime viewing area off of Lake Michigan looking across and DOWN on the Blue Angels. ​ATC Privatization was also on Marc's mind, so he and  Mike talked about it, and while they don't always see eye to eye on politics, they are definitely on the same page on this topic. 

  • Say Again, Dave Pascoe,, August 13, 2017

    14/08/2017 Duración: 01h14min

    This week, the SimpleFlight Crew welcomes Dave Pascoe, founder of .to the show. is the only source for live and archive ATC feeds from around the world.  And we love it!!! ​What started as a way for Dave to understand and become comfortable with ATC communications, became the single source for pilots, avgeeks, news media, etc. to hear actual pilot/ATC communications in every situation imaginable.  Listen in and learn the story behind how it started and where the technology is heading.  You'll also hear how Dave gives back through his efforts in the Pan-Mass Challenge, a 170 - 190 mile bike ride to raise money for life-saving cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.  We can't wait for you to meet Dave.  We know you'll love the show!!! ​                                         =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know what you think!

  • There is Whining in Aviation, Augut 6, 2017

    07/08/2017 Duración: 01h14min

    There is whining in aviation, Jet Whining that is.  This week, the SimpleFlight Crew welcomes Rob Mark to the show.  If there happens to be anyone that doesn't know Rob by name, we can say confidently, you've come across him in a very diverse set of aviation circles. ​Rob is the Senior Editor at Flying Magazine and also edits the award-winning, aviation insiders blog, the editorial podcast The Aviation Minute, and co-produces the weekly aviation radio show, The Airplane Geeks. Each summer, Rob co-hosts “Attitude Adjustment,” a daily radio show at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh.  And if that isn't enough, Rob is a regular aviation news contributor to Fox News, WGN-TV and CNN, having also served as an aviation news analyst for CBS, NBC, PBS, the BBC and a number of national radio outlets.  Had enough?  But wait, there's more.  He is an Airline Transport Rated pilot type-rated in a number of business jets and has logged nearly 7,000 flying hours in the airline, Part 135 and Part 91 environment. He ho

  • OSH / Texas Trifecta, July 30, 2017

    31/07/2017 Duración: 01h57s

    Coming off the high, known to all of us as OSH17, Marc and Rhonda spent the first portion of the show talking about the record attendance at Airventure and the many memories that came back with them.  From high altitude chambers, virtual reality, and root beer from Ardy and Ed's, they made the most of their 24 hour visit to the busiest airport in the world.  And they completed the triple play of Texas guests (starting with Teresa Stokes and Kevin Lacey) by bringing back Janine Iannarelli to update us with the trends impacting business aviation.  The leading indicators haven't changed much, but the energy is good, and may be showing some signs of positive movement.  Janine had some exciting news to share about recognition she earned in the industry and informed us of a couple of events coming up to drive more inclusion of women in aviation.  Listen and Learn. Happy Anniversary to Marc, celebrating his 5th year with the show. We thank you for listening and wish you BLUE SKIES and TAILWINDS!!!

  • Beyond Repo-Man Kevin Lacey, July 23, 2017

    25/07/2017 Duración: 01h12min

    When most people hear the name, Kevin Lacey, the show, “Airplane Repo” comes to mind.  After all, the Discovery Channel played a large role in bringing Kevin into so many living rooms on a regular basis.  But those that know Kevin, understand that he is much more than that.  Kevin is channeling his passion for aviation to make a difference in the industry and specifically, in the youth that hold the potential for taking general aviation to new heights. We know you'll love getting to know Kevin in this episode of SimpleFlight Aviation Radio.  Kevin, who is always a straight shooter, painted a positive vision of what's happening in his world, including a focus on a special group of young people in the Tango Thirty One Aero Club, as well as other investments he is making in young aviators, and made mention of a possible new TV show he has proposed.  How appropriate that this week's show was broadcast live from OSH17, at the Hilton Garden Inn.  Ironically, this show represents SimpleFlight's 5 year anniversary,

  • Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Teresa Stokes, July 16, 2017

    17/07/2017 Duración: 58min

    We've had a string of guests who have quite diverse backgrounds, but this is the first time our guest is a wing-walker, who also happens to be a famous aviation artist, plays guitar, is an accomplished pilot (AMEL, IFR, Commercial), enjoys flying aerobatics, and restores, maintains, and drives classic cars.  How does she find the time???? Teresa Stokes, who joined us from OSH, spent the evening with Rhonda and Marc talking about her last 29 years as a wing-walker with Gene Soucy ("Mr. Airshow"), and all the other things her talents have enabled her to do.    We know you will be infected by her contagious enthusiasm, which serves as a reminder of the fun and adventure that life can hold for all of us.   ​And if you are at OSH next week, check the schedule for her performance.  After getting to know her, you'll find you enjoy her show even more!!!                                            =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  L

  • General Aviation - Safety, Diversity, Inclusive, July 9, 2017

    10/07/2017 Duración: 01h15min

    Mordechai Levin has a vision for aviation that goes beyond building the pilot community.  Rather, it incorporates GA growth with safety, diversity, and inclusion of all who share the passion for aviation.  While he has become well known in the Midwest for his weekend ground schools (, he also travels to students across the country providing individualized training built for how each student learns best.  It is that approach that has him in a position to announce a new curriculum that will teach and prepare new students for both their private and instrument rating in 30 days!!!  Yes, you read that right.     ​Being a diversity and inclusion leader, Mordechai also works with the Master Flight Foundation to ensure people of all backgrounds have access and awareness of the opportunities that are available in the world of aviation, even though there may be a lack of personally identifiable role models for these pilot candidates. Listen and learn as Marc and Rhonda seek to understan

  • Pilots Get Their Swag On, July 2, 2017

    03/07/2017 Duración: 01h47s

    John Joslin is a scientist and an instrument rated pilot. His aviation career started in 2002 when his girlfriend (now wife) bought him a discovery flight on a clear night over downtown Chicago. While in Chicago, John spent most of his time on the ground wishing he was in the air, volunteering with the Civil Air Patrol, and making the annual pilgrimage to Oshkosh. It wasn’t until after graduate school that John begin his flight training. His story isn't too different from any of us in the pilot community.  We're all part of a special family and love to talk about it.  But for some reason we've stopped celebrating our accomplishments and those moments that have special meaning to us.  John is interested in changing that and has started by creating patches that commemorate a wide variety of aviation success ( ​Listen in as Marc and Rhonda discuss why the swagger left, why we should want it back, and how to go about doing just that.                                            ===============

  • Open Airplane, Bringing Together Pilots, Planes, & Passengers, June 25, 2017

    26/06/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    After a short 4 years, the SimpleFlight crew was pleased to welcome back Rod Rakic, co-founder of OpenAirplane, Inc., a company focused on bringing pilots, planes, and passengers together.  The initial premise was to build an organization that operated similar to how auto rental agencies bringing drivers and cars together.  Once established, Rod and his team launched a second offering, called FlyOtto, which matches passengers and flights together.  The two "products" promise to increase activity within General Aviation, delivering real value to all stakeholders. ​Listen in and find out how the company has done over the last 4 years and what changes we might see in the future!                                            =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know what you think! ​ ​​​BLUE SKIES and TAILWINDS!!!

  • What Does CFI, CEO, & USAF Have In Common - Joey Dumas, June 11, 2017

    12/06/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    Joey Dumas has accomplished a lot in spite of his youth.  Wile his students know him as a CFI at Chicago Executive Airport, many also know that he spends time as CEO of UnMannedKind (, a drone service company that is committed to the smart adoption of technology that will make the world a better and safer place.  And before all this, Joey was as a special operations surveillance pilot in the Air Force, where he earned the rating of instructor pilot and logged over 1,000 supporting ground combat operations.  He has a BS in aeronautical engineering from the US Air Force Academy and an MBA from the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business.  ​We know you'll love the conversation that Rhonda and Marc had with Joey. Lots of interesting experiences and insight to share.   Listen and Learn!!!                                          =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know what you think! ​ ​​​BLUE SKI

  • ADS-B On A Diet, June 4, 2017

    03/06/2017 Duración: 57min

    Welcome to a new world.  This week's guest, Ryan Braun, has a history of bringing innovative enabling technologies to market.  This time he's outdone himself. ​ ​As COO of uAvionix (, Ryan and his teammates have broken the code on bringing low cost, small size, and low power consumption ADS-B solutions to market.  While primarily focused on the drone market, Ryan sees a tremendous opportunity to deliver collision avoidance solutions to both manned and unmanned aircraft.  uAvionix is already delivering these solutions across general aviation.  All aimed at making the skies safer, without making our wallets lighter. ​We invite you to listen in as Ryan paints a vision of the future that's well on its way to reality.                                          =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know what you think! ​ ​​​BLUE SKIES and TAILWINDS!!!

  • Close Encounters of the Drone Kind, May 28, 2017

    29/05/2017 Duración: 55min

    Rhonda and Marc were joined by Adam Hirsen, to talk about his near collision with a drone in the Chicago airspace.  If that name sounds familiar to you, it's probably because you have a great memory and you're a long time listener of SimpleFlight Aviation Radio.  That's because it was over 4 years ago that Adam was one of our first guests on the show. ​Just a few weeks ago, a drone passed by Adam's plane, missing the wing by some 20 feet.  The fact Adam was at 3300 feet is especially troublesome, since drones are limited to 400 feet by law and technology.  While ATC did their job by collecting information from Adam, they never saw the target, nor was there anything they could do about it.  Unsettling as it was, Adam remains a proponent of drones.  Listen in to the conversation about the experience and what the future may hold for the co-existence of these two factions of the aviation community. Thanks for listening.  Blue Skies and Tailwinds!

  • A Novel Approach to Aviation Safety, May 21, 2017

    22/05/2017 Duración: 01h15min

    For anyone that thinks their life is busy, I encourage you to talk to Karlene Petitt.  A wife of 36 years, mother of 3, grandmother of 8. a pilot for 8 airlines, with 7 type ratings,  2 masters degrees, and author of several novels, Karlene proves you're never too busy to make life happen.   ​Karlene supports her passion for aviation safety through writing, inspiration, and speaking ( She joined the SimpleFlight crew tonight to discuss the trends in aviation safety and how technology and airline company training processes may be contributing to an erosion in pilot proficiency.  Take a listen and you'll soon find out what aviation commitment is all about. ​Thanks for listening.  Blue Skies and Tailwinds!!!

  • Aviation Business Taking Off, May 7, 2017

    08/05/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    When Matt Hofeltd ( decided to get into aviation, he jumped in with both feet and didn't let his initial vision limit the possibilities.  HIs goal was to start a first class flight school, that would appeal to students new to the industry.  He knew that meant taking a first class approach with everything he did.  He differentiated himself by creating the foundation with two brand new 2017 Cirrus aircraft.  From there the personnel and philosophy followed.  It was then the complete picture started to form, with opportunities for helping buyers buy and sellers sell.  People with aircraft needed a home for their bird, so a hangar business evolved, and to fuel the growing aviation community, Matt and his wife Jade, knew they had to provide an aviation calendar to bring everything together. ​Listen in as Marc and Rhonda speak with Matt and Jade in-studio to find how this wonderful journey started, and the progress made to date.  It was a discussion providing a much needed optimism to our wo

  • The Sky Is Always Bluer.... April 30, 2017

    01/05/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    Over the last 4.5 years, we at SimpleFlight Radio have talked to a lot of "amazing people doing amazing things in aviation".  And our listeners have loved the journey.  What we discovered is our listeners, are pretty amazing too.  And they have lots to teach us.  This week, we took the opportunity to spend some time talking to a loyal friend of the show, Fred Canavan.  Fred did what some of us think about doing, but rarely do we actually do it.  But Fred turned his dream into reality.  He decided that he wanted a professional aviation career at age 60.  And that's exactly what he did.  You'll hear his story about making that decision and executing it right on schedule.  Flying a Part 135 PC-12 is a dream come true, but he's not finished yet.    Listen in as we discuss the path he took, with all the decisions he made along the way.  We'll find out together if there are any regrets or what he wished he knew before the trek started.  The one thing we can tell you now is that Fred is on CLOUD 9!!! The other new

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