Simpleflight Radio

Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 20, 2017



With Rhonda traveling to the Big Easy and Marc primed to go solo, Mike Barbarone stopped by to do some hangar flying with Marc.  Both Mike and Marc were bitten by the maintenance bug, potentially derailing their efforts to view the Total Solar Eclipse in the Path of Totality.  Their planned destination is Carbondale, IL (KMDH), which boasts being the city with the longest viewing time of the total eclipse.  With weather being an issue in Chicago, both Mike's and Marc's plane needs maintenance work before departing for the party.  The event promises to be a great one.  We hope all of you can take part in the experience (be careful and kind to your eyes). ​Mike shared his experience at the Chicago Air and Water show, which was amazing.  He had a prime viewing area off of Lake Michigan looking across and DOWN on the Blue Angels. ​ATC Privatization was also on Marc's mind, so he and  Mike talked about it, and while they don't always see eye to eye on politics, they are definitely on the same page on this topic.