Simpleflight Radio

Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Teresa Stokes, July 16, 2017



We've had a string of guests who have quite diverse backgrounds, but this is the first time our guest is a wing-walker, who also happens to be a famous aviation artist, plays guitar, is an accomplished pilot (AMEL, IFR, Commercial), enjoys flying aerobatics, and restores, maintains, and drives classic cars.  How does she find the time???? Teresa Stokes, who joined us from OSH, spent the evening with Rhonda and Marc talking about her last 29 years as a wing-walker with Gene Soucy ("Mr. Airshow"), and all the other things her talents have enabled her to do.    We know you will be infected by her contagious enthusiasm, which serves as a reminder of the fun and adventure that life can hold for all of us.   ​And if you are at OSH next week, check the schedule for her performance.  After getting to know her, you'll find you enjoy her show even more!!!                                            =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  L