Simpleflight Radio

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, September 17, 2017



Some 5 years ago, Al Waterloo started SimpleFlight Aviation Radio in his hotel room at OSH12.  The next week, he asked Marc Epner to join him, and together they grew the popularity of the show by broadcasting live, and connecting their listeners with amazing people doing amazing things in aviation.  At the end of 2016, Al could no longer make the commitment to the show, so he left it in Marc's hands as he moved on in his aviation career.   While the show has continued to gain popularity, Al has continued his own growth as a successful sales rep for Cirrus Aircraft.  Join us as Rhonda and Marc talk with Al about life after SimpleFlight.  The three discuss his transition from airline pilot, to instructor/mentor, to sales professional, and even to husband. It was great to reconnect with Al, and we know our listeners will whole heartedly agree.  As Al always said... "It's AWESOME!" =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know wh