Simpleflight Radio

Warbird / Human Connection, September 24, 2017



The aviation community is as close knit as it gets.  Tonight, the SimpleFlight Crew learned that it just isn't about airplanes, but also about making the connection between airplanes and the people that flew them.  This becomes even more poignant when it comes to warbirds.  Our guest, Shad Morris, Flight Engineer on CAF's Fifi (B-29) and T-6 Crew Chief at the Reno National Championship Air Race, is also one heck of a mechanic and an aficionado when it comes to aircraft engines.  Join Marc and Rhonda in understanding his passion for what he does and the importance of teaching the youth of today about the role these planes played in providing us the present we get to enjoy. You're going to love this episode.  Check out Fifi's web site  for more info on when and where you can see and get a ride in this iconic aircraft.                                  **************** We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know what y