Simpleflight Radio

Beyond Repo-Man Kevin Lacey, July 23, 2017



When most people hear the name, Kevin Lacey, the show, “Airplane Repo” comes to mind.  After all, the Discovery Channel played a large role in bringing Kevin into so many living rooms on a regular basis.  But those that know Kevin, understand that he is much more than that.  Kevin is channeling his passion for aviation to make a difference in the industry and specifically, in the youth that hold the potential for taking general aviation to new heights. We know you'll love getting to know Kevin in this episode of SimpleFlight Aviation Radio.  Kevin, who is always a straight shooter, painted a positive vision of what's happening in his world, including a focus on a special group of young people in the Tango Thirty One Aero Club, as well as other investments he is making in young aviators, and made mention of a possible new TV show he has proposed.  How appropriate that this week's show was broadcast live from OSH17, at the Hilton Garden Inn.  Ironically, this show represents SimpleFlight's 5 year anniversary,