Simpleflight Radio

Going First Class, September 10, 2017



With a last minute cancelation of our guest, Marc and Rhonda added one more first to tonight's show.  That being the first time they've done a show without a guest.  With a theme of many first's, the crew didn't skip a beat as a lively discussion ensued across a plethora of topics.  It all started with new CFI Brandon endorsing off his first student to solo just prior to our show start.  Paul did a great job and made Brandon proud.  All of us remember our solo flight, and what a special feeling remains.  Congrats to Brandon and Paul. The conversation moved on to Marc's first annual with his plane.  A big sticker price, but came with a great education on the control and philosophical approach to decision making with regards to new vs. used parts, now vs. deferred timing, and getting to know and trust your A+P, as well as the airplane. Rhonda ignored the advice of so many, as she went for a First Class medical.  Why she did it, made for interesting conversation.  We both learned new things, and bet you will too