Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers



Jon Senior's funky thinkers is on a quest to interview interesting and innovative business people from around the world. Our aim is to give you a platform to show WHO you are rather than just WHAT you know.


  • FunkQuest - Season 4 - Episode 1 - Barb Braendlein v JR Reed

    08/11/2021 Duración: 19min

    Season 4 of FunkQuest opened with 3 time semi-finalist, two time finalist but never actual winner, number 1 Barbara Braendlein.Funking up was newcomer and number 16 JR Reed.We still do ladies first on FunkQuest, and in any event, it was good to show the new guy the ropes.Question 1Barb chose the row of bikes.Where do you keep your trophys/medals/certificates?Barb confessed that she was the kind of person that never won any medals trophies or certificates as a child (or adult).But that if she ever won FunkQuest, the trophy (or lack of) would have pride of place in her house.JR chose that most American of things. The big red car.Who would you want with you in the nuclear bunker?We agreed that this would be for a couple of hundred years at least so the correct choice is required.JR picked the rapper Snoop Dog and a porn star. (Probably a bad combination...)Question 2Barb picked the Daffodils.Who would you want to be the narrator of your life story?Barb picked her partner on the FunkQuest tag team challenge, Live

  • FunkQuest - Season 3 - Lisa Fey - Crowning episode

    19/02/2021 Duración: 03min

    FunkQuest - Season 3 - Lisa Fey - Champion Funkster - Crowning episode​​Lisa has beaten all her competitors to become the Grand Champion Funkster of Season 3 of FunkQuest.She is the first American winner of FunkQuest as; Season 1 and 2 Champions, Leana Delle and Ann Smith were both Canadians. Since winning the series, she has had many conversations with friends and relatives and is pleased to have met all the interesting people she has played against.

  • FunkQuest - Tag Team Challenge - Final

    22/01/2021 Duración: 16min

    The FunkQuest Tag ​Team Challenge Final proved to be as entertaining as promised, with Barb Braendlein and Phil Pelucha facing up to their opponants Ann Smith and Leana Delle.Barb was first to chose from the FunKQuest Board and choosing the '​Ballerina feet' meant that Phil had to answer the question - "What job would an octopus be good at?" ​His answer 'a Chef' especially with all the pots it would have to fling aroundAnn as head of the pink team chose Leana to answer the question - "What are you embarressed about being good at?" ​ Not being embarressed but being 'looked down upon' Lean​a found it difficult to show off her handyman skills to men​.Question 2 and B​arb chose the 'Pegs' icon. She says she has a 'mental escape hatch' when she finds herself wishing she was somewhere else.Ann Chose the 'Horse' Icon and revealed that she drinks 4 pints of water a day, which is a very ​healthy thing to do.​Phil was chosen by Barb to answer the third question. He would never 'accidentally' steal something. He describ

  • FunkQuest - Season 3 - GRAND FINAL - Barb Barb Braendlein v Lisa Fey

    13/01/2021 Duración: 20min

    These two ladies may look familiar, and you would be right to think that you have seen them somewhere before, the reason is; Barb and Lisa played each other in Semi Final 1 of FunkQuest Season 3. Barb was beaten in the semi final but has agreed to return as 'Sheriff' due to unforseen circumstances. So they play again in this FunkQuest Season 3 Grand Final.Barb was first to choose an Icon. Her answer to the question was that generally she is very easy to shop for, as she loves opening presents regardless of what is inside. She is not very good at telling others what to buy for her.Question 1 for Lisa she chose the' baby shoes' Icon and explained that the last song she danced to was part of a compilaton album of 'Soul Train'. She was dancing in her bathroom to Stevie Wonder.Barb was very happy to answer the next question about dealing with 'cold callers'. When the caller is a person, she likes to keep them talking. Robot callers, not so much. Lisa did not have to name her Craziest relative, in case they were l

  • FunkQuest - Season 3 - Semi Final 2 - Barb Braendlein v Jean Robor

    07/12/2020 Duración: 19min

    FunkQuest - Season 3 - semi final 2 - Barb Braendlein v Jean RoborIn this second Semi Final match of FunkQuest Season 3 you will see a familiar face - Barb Braendlein. Barb was also a player in ​the first semi final of this season and ​ ​​ has agreed to be the Sheriff for this second round as a player did not turn up.Barb chose the first Icon and therefore answered question 1 - 'How fast can you learn something new? This all depends on how much she wants to learn the thing. If she is interested in it she is usually a quick study.The 'dinosaur' Icon was chosen by Jean for her first question and we found that while not using paper maps she uses 'google maps' religiously, even when going on short journeys. She can get lost quite easily.Barb revealed that if she was a vegetable she would be a Leek. Filled with tasty goodness on the white end of the root.Jean said that she often feels foolish when talking and answering questions online. She may often look foolish, to some people, when getting involved with young c

  • FunkQuest - Season 3 - Semi Final 1 - Barb Braendlein v Lisa Fey

    13/11/2020 Duración: 16min

    FunkQuest - Season 3 - SemiFinal 1 Barb Braendlein v Lisa Fey​In this, the first Semi - Final of FunkQuest Season 3, both Barb and Lisa, ​are fighting to maintain their unbeaten status. However, only one of them can reach the final!Lisa answered question 1 after choosing the 'glasses of wine' icon. With no experience of the job she was assigned, after a great interview, to a boss who was really too busy to help his struggling apprentice.Barb confessed that, because of her broken foot and having to walk with crutches, the most exciting thing that was happening at the moment was being able to wash her hair.Lisa explained in her ​Question 2 that the thing that 'makes here roll her eyes' was someone saying 'Yes, but...' in answer to a request. The 'but' is usually a big one Why not just say no.Barb ​is not going to be jumping anywhere at the moment and especially not the ​queue, but she is not a queue jumper anyway. It ​annoys her when cars go fast to get in front of the line and try to merge in.​The place Lisa

  • FunkQuest - Tag Team Challenge - Semi Final 2 - Barb and Phil v Lisa and Ginger

    09/11/2020 Duración: 18min

    FunkQuest - Tag Team Challenge - Semi Final 2 - Barb and Phil v Lisa and Ginger​Lisa and Ginger ​(​Orange team)were the first to go in this Semi-Final 2 Episode of FunkQuest Tag Team Challenge.Lisa, as head funkster of her team chose the 'Lion' icon. The question; ​ 'Who comes when you call?' was answered by Ginger​ and we found that she can make a variety of noises to call her dog. ​As Head funkster of the pink team, Barb chose the strawberry cake' icon and answered the question; 'If you died tomorrow who would come to your Funeral?' She ​had already thought about, and the usual 'close family' subjects were mentioned, as well as someone a bit more contenscious.Second ​question- and Lisa revealed her love of her first car. With it she became a real party animal.Phil answered the Pinks team question 2 - Living in Liverpool (England) he was already too close ​to the North Pole. He can't deal with being cold and travels to hot countries to stay warm. He has been known to wear 'Long​johns' beneath his suit at wor

  • FunkQuest - Season 3 - Episode 4 - WT Hamilton v Zakary Haines

    07/11/2020 Duración: 18min

    FunkQuest -Season 3 - Episode 4 - WT Hamilton v Zakary Haines​Wayne (WT) and Zak are the last players, before the semi finals, in this short season 3.Wayne chose the 'guitar' icon for his first question 'How do you see yourself physically?' He sees himself as very sexy (ha ha). He went to the gym before covid 19 to burn off the calories he gets from drinking beer.Zac re​vealed he has moved house many times ​through his teenage years, he has been settled for the last 3 years. He doesn't like the new year, as it is during those cold months he used to move. He has however mastered the art of packing boxes.Question 2 - ​Wayne likes small gathering rather than big parties, as the conversations flow more easily and stories can be told again and again.Zak thought about a variety of ​Artists who could​ paint his portrait but chose Leonard de Vinci, because of the way he thought out of his realm and pushed himself differently in his era in timeThe 'squirrel' icon question; ​reminded Zac ​of the american magician 'Chri

  • FunkQuest - Season 2 - Ann Smith - Crowning victory episode

    07/11/2020 Duración: 14min

    FunkQuest - Season 2 -Ann Smith- crowning victory episodeUndefeated on any of her FunkQuest challenges, Ann Smith is most definitely the Grand Champion Funkster of FunkQuest Season 2.

  • FunkQuest - Season 3 - Episode 3 -Jean Bailey Robor v Laurie Herbers

    30/10/2020 Duración: 17min

    ​Jean and Laurie are two more, brand new, players, trying to get the 'Funk Out' in ​Season 3 ​​of FunkQuest.Jean​ was first to choose an​ Icon - the ​Battleship' - a childhood reminder of a loved game. - Her question revealed that she had never learned to do CPR (cardiopulmo​nary res​uscitation) but it was on her' list to do' now she had grandchildren and babysitting duties.Laurie's worst boss; was a narcissistic shouter, who she reported to HR, after he shouted at her for something that wasn't her fault.​In Jeans second question she told us of jumping the queue at a store by heading for the self serve section, where, she was pulled up by the man behind her who she hadn't noticed. Wearing masks could have made it worse, but a conversation, eased a long wait in the queue.Laurie chose the 'bouncy house' icon for her second question. She always likes to hear bad news first. If you hear the good news first, you are left ​to stew on the bad news after. Looking back on her life she realises that most times,

  • FunkQuest - TagTeam Challenge - Semi Final 1

    26/10/2020 Duración: 18min

    The FunkQuest Tag Team Challenge is a short competition for a few select FUNKSTERS- two semi finals and a Final. The team has 2 players one ​plays as the head funkster and is the decision maker for Icons chosen - the question that arises from that, can be answered by either player.In this game, the Orange team consists of Ann Smith and Leana Dell (who just happen to be Champion Funksters) ​and the Pink team of Vicki Wusche and Tom Evans.​The 'guitar' icon was chosen by Ann, the ​question was answered by Leana who saw ​herself physically as 'not to bad for her age' and as good- looking as any 'second-hand fiddle'.The 'Waterfall' icon was chosen by Vicki and answered by Tom. After a short examination of the home he is living in now he answered that, over the years he has moved house about 8 times.Question 2 and Ann revealed that she prefers small parties to large gatherings. Although extrovert on the outside she is really a bit of a wallflower and quite shy.Vicki also chose to answer her question 2 and the a

  • FunkQuest - Season 3 - Episode 2 - Lisa Fey v Sarah Ross

    23/10/2020 Duración: 16min

    FunkQuest - Season 3 - Episode 2 - Lisa Fey v Sarah Ross Two new funksters to FunkQuest in this second episode of Season 3.Working on time differences and the fact that it was still early in America, Lisa chose the 'Trumpet' icon for her first question, to wake her up. The last ​costume she wore was a blue sari which she had bought in india. ​She felt that some times people need to get out of the ordinary.Sarah was asked where she would build an Ark​​. You may soon be finding, ​somewhere around the equator, ​ lots of little ​Arks or Pods floating around together​, because of Covid 19.Sarahs answer to question​ 2, showed that the game she spent most time playing was 'catch' (the ball game). Not only as a child but in ​Vietnam in an orphanage - where a variety of things​ ​were thrown to be caught.Question 2 for Lisa was about wasting time. She likes to spend time sitting alongside nature and also 'people watching'.Something you wouldn't know about Lisa is - that she is on first name terms with Michael Jordan y

  • FunkQuest - Season 3 - Episode 1 - Barbara Braendlein v Casey Bell

    16/10/2020 Duración: 16min

    FunkQuest - Season 3 - Episode 1 Barbara Braendlein v Casey Bell Barbara and Casey are the first two players in this third season if FunkQuest and inevitably nervous.For her first Question Barbara chose the VR Mask icon and we found out that she has a declutter every saturday. She says she is a 'maintainer'which stops her having ​ deep clean. ​Caseys first question was 'When did you realise you didnt know everything?' This was his first year in college. Having little confidence in high school he believed what he was told was right. At College he decide that it would be better to research everything for himself.​Barbaras favourite word - her question 2 answer - is Ubiquitous - at least for that day anyway - meaning 'everywhere' she felt justified to use it everywhere.Answer​ing the giraffe question; ​Casey was a bit stumped, until he finalyl decided he would hide a giraffe be disguising it.When did you last go to the library​? was answered by Barbara and due to Covid 19 she doesn't go quite as often as she di

  • FunkQuest - Nobility - Ann Smith v Teri Ritter

    09/10/2020 Duración: 16min

    Ann and Teri are the first two friends to play in our new funkquest series of 'one off' challenges.Ann took the first question by choosing the 'Highland Cattle icon. Delicately proceeding without introducing politics and naming no names, she related that she now boycotts the clothing stores of a certain famous ​american CEO because of his behaviour.Teri chose the 'fish' icon and her overrated piece of technology is the mobile/cell phone. This technology along with tablets and laptops, ha​s stopped ​people ​connecting properly. Unfortunately, they may be overrated but are essential at this time.Question 2 and Ann would go for brains rather than looks. Someone ​with a sense of humour or even 'sexy ugly' like tommy Lee Jones. A young Sam Elliot - wow!Teri, related how she used to hate what she was doing but ​ is very satisfied with what she does now. She has a job she loves, a healthy family and feels that it is good to be alive now, despite the scariness of covid 19.Ann loves fairground rides. She doesn't like

  • FunkQuest - Season 2 - Grand Champion Final - Ann Smith v Dr. Kimya Nuru Dennis

    25/09/2020 Duración: 16min

    FunkQuest - Season 2 - Grand Champion Final - Ann Smith v Dr. Kimya Nuru DennisTwo very adept​ and well known funksters in this Final, but when it comes down to the vote, who will be crowned Grand Champion of FunkQuest Season 2?Kimya chose the 'clownfish' icon ​for the opening question. How fast can she get dressed? - pretty fast as it turns out. ​ ​Meetings, held within minutes of hearing about them and being a night owl ​and waking up just in time, have honed her dressing skills.Ann explained that the best place she had got lost was, on ​honeymoon, on a berry filled but mudd​y trailQuestion 2 and Kimya revealed she had two ​pair of sunglasses ​which she loves but cannot wear because she gets sweaty in them. She has used them to illustrate the idea that, we need to be able to see reality but not blind ourselves to what is happening around us.Ann chose the 'alarm clock' icon with the appropriate ​question 'Are you always early or always late?' She generally tends to be behind. A high school experience abou

  • FunkQuest - Challenge Match - Alexander Stafford MP v Leana Delle

    15/09/2020 Duración: 16min

    In this one off challenge edition of FunkQuest, we match up our, ​Season One Champion Funkster-Leana Dell, ​with Alexander Stafford, MP for Rother Valley.As Alexander had never played Funkquest before, Leana was chosen to go first to show him how it goes.Leana chose the 'Pumpkin icon and answered the question about how she took to losing games. She said that she doesn't mind losing to others but is very competive against herself. At golf she always likes to be able to beat her last game. In most games though its about fun.Alexander's first question was 'How many photos do you have on your phone? - he revealed that he had possibly thousands, many of which were s​tored in ​ 'cloud'. He used to like​ big cameras with Zoom lenses but realises the HD pictures taken on mobile/cell phones are as good,​ these days.Going on a date is always stressful; ​ ​who is supposed to pay the bill on a first date! Leana made a big 'faux pasF' and insulted her Texan date by offering to pay, then insulted her Canadian date by not

  • FunkQuest - Season 2 - Semi Final 2 - Ann Smith v Sarah Elkins

    11/09/2020 Duración: 14min

    We are entering the last ​game of season 2 before the Final show. Ann or Sarah, Kimya or Alyson who will turn out to be the Grand Champion of Funkquest this ​season. Maybe this episode will help you decide.Ann was first to​ the board and chose the Icon of 'coloured balls'. 'Who always seems to win when you play a game with them? Ann was certain that is she ever played any physical games there would be no doubt about someone else winning - but if ​a game like Trivial Pursuits was played, she would win hands down.Sarah chose the 'Lion' icon. Who would come when she calls - her dogSarah's next question was about her first car. She has a gold VW bug with a soft top roof, it seems not only did she love it but everyone around her college did too, as they left messages and gifts on the car.'Which is your favourite crime show on TV'? allowed Ann to answer that she was going to be acting in a 'true crime' show. She would however have to 'die for her art' as she was playing the victim.Question 3, for ​Ann, revealed th

  • FunkQuest -Season 2 - Semi Final 1 - Alyson Lex v Dr. Kimya Nuru Dennis

    04/09/2020 Duración: 17min

    FunkQuest -Season 2 - Semi Final 1 - Alyson Lex v Dr. Kimya Nuru DennisWe are now at the Semi Final stage of FunkQuest season 2 and taking part ​are 2 very experienced Funksters, so listen well.The round began with Alyson choosing the 'city scape icon'. The way she tends to remember things is through Mnemonics (using ​easier words/ images to remember more complicated or multiple ideas), She first learned this at high school.Kimyas first question was 'How many questions do you ask'. Her answer was; that if people are interested in what you have to say they will ask questions, if they are mostly silent you will find that they are thinking about other things and not really listening. ​Question 2 for Kimya was about her greatest achievement. She remembers speaking out at a board meeting when others were quiet ​, knowing that something had not been done when it should have. She also felt that keeping close to family during Covid 19 was an achievement too.Alysons second answer involved a very comfy chair​, which w

  • FunkQuest - Season 2 - Quarter Final 4 - Lora Cheadle v Sarah Elkins

    28/08/2020 Duración: 15min

    FunkQuest - Season 2 - Quarter final 4 - Lora Cheadle v Sarah ElkinsSarah and L​ora get to play each other a second time because of circumstance caused by Covid 19, so we have a second chance to listen to even more of their funky ideas.L​ora started the game by explaining; how fast she could probably learn something new. It all depended on if she had some of the skills already, it would be quite quickly​, if she would have to learn everything from the start that would be different.Sarah first question was about when she last used a map. Her reply was that she had recently gone hiking in the mountains where there was no satnav so was relying on a map to keep her away from Grisly Bear ​berry eating areas.Question 2 for Lora was about ashes, mainly hers, and where she would like them to be scattered. Not being around by then it didnt really matter to her but she hoped her children would have memories of areas they spent time together and spread them there.A secret hide out would no longer be secret as Sarah

  • FunkQuest - Season 2 - Quarter Final 3 - Ann Smith v Lisa Pezik

    21/08/2020 Duración: 15min

    FunkQuest -Quarter Final3 - Ann Smith v Lisa PezikAnn and Lisa are the third pair to play in the FunkQuest quarter finals and are old hands at this by now.​Lisa started play with the answer to 'How many questions do you ask? - She always has to ask at least 5 why questions deep - this is so she can get to the true answer.Anns first question 'Where have you seen a ghost' might have been a tricky one but she was certainly able to come up with a good 'ghost story'.​Leaving her family house and home in America when she got married and moving all the way to live in Canada - a place she know nothing about, ​ actually learning to live there was ​ Lisas greatest achievement.Question 2 for Ann ​could have seem quite personal but her answer about finding satisfaction was that she was surprised by ​her husband​, she's not easily surprised​ and that was very satisfying.​Her third answer - Lisa revealed, ​that if she was to be a secret ​code name it would be Detective Fierce and Ferocious (DFF) as she can be very protecti

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